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Clarence Thomas was credibly accused by Anita Hill of sexual harassment. And there was a second alleged victim, Sukari Hardnett, who was not allowed to testify. Clarence is no hero. His victims are no bullies. Why do so many Republicans lift up men who sexually harass women??

I believed Anita Hill then, and I believe her now. And I believe Sukari Hardnett, too.

I believe Moira Smith.

And Christine Blasey Ford ...

And now, two out of the six Republicans on the Supreme Court -- that's 1/3 -- have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct. Not to mention the venal former president/GOP cult leader who faces some 2-dozen accusations. Are these your kings, Republicans?
The more whiny Trump cries, whines and lies about the election, the more I’ll show research that shows that he lost and exactly why he lost.

Note to Trump supporters asking “why do you keep bringing him up?” Easy answer: he won’t shut his lying pie hole.

This is HOW he lost.

And this is HOW he lost.

He lost a lot of the white voters, college educated voters and independents who supported him in 2016.

In 2016, Donald Trump won Independents in every one of the six states that he flipped from blue to red.

In 2020, Donald Trump lost Independents in every one of the five states that Joe Biden flipped from red to blue.

Is it somehow strange that Trump lost the election? No. It would have been much stranger had Trump managed to win the election.

No one as consistently unpopular as him has ever been re-elected. Like ever.