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Me: I bought a diamond yesterday.

Mom: Nice. They’re good investments.

Me: I’m going to smash it & sell it as a NFT.

Mom: Say again?

So I tried to convince my mother (accountant w/ 30 yr experience) that NFT is a better asset than diamond.

Did I succeed? Let’s find out 👇

First off, if you’re out of loop, this all started b/c I’m doing an experiment inspired by all the brilliant comments people made on this tweet of

I decided to buy a real diamond, create an associated NFT, destroy the diamond, and see if the NFT retains value. I told my mother about this on the phone. Like everyone else, she immediately went— this is crazy.

Mom: So if I buy this NFT, are you shipping me the diamond?

Me: No. Diamond’ll be destroyed.

Mom: Then what am I buying??

Me: You’re buying the “asset” function of this diamond. This fuction is transferred to the NFT from the diamond.

Mom: Explain.

Me: A diamond has two functions:

1/ real-world utility as jewelry & industrial tool

2/ store-of-value asset

When I create a NFT for the diamond, which is a token in a computer network that denotes an amount of value & ownership, I transfer function 2 to the NFT.
Validating a startup idea doesn’t have to take a ton of effort.

Here are 10 tools you can use to build MVPs in days.



Bubble has a visual programming interface that enables anyone to build a complex web app in days.

I use Bubble to quickly get a working MVP to users after I’ve proven out an initial idea.

| https://t.co/2a5cIsmWiI

Adalo is similar to Bubble, but you can also use it to build native mobile applications.

You can make social apps, marketplaces, task apps, and more.

| https://t.co/cBocesubiB

If you can write basic Python, Streamlit enables you to build simple dashboard-based frontends in minutes.

I use Streamlit to think through and prototype the earliest iterations of my ideas.

| https://t.co/GvpkTjTM7B

Replit is a browser-based, collaborative code editor than can also run production code.

I use Replit to prototype APIs and simple web apps, without needing to worry about infrastructure.
I gathered tools your startup needs.

Here's what they are:

Collect video testimonials in the simplest way.

Cost: 2 videos for free

Simply beautiful open source icons.

Cost: Free Forever

Magical Visuals With No Effort.

Cost: Free Demo

The collaborative interface design tool.

Cost: Free + Paid