I’ve interviewed and managed over 2,000 people.

Here are my 55 contrarian observations about humans.

A thread...


After about 3-hours socially (18 holes of golf; an NBA game) of 1-1 time with you, people will feel they know you well enough to trust you with money.
Some people will tell you they want to be entrepreneurs but never will be.

They never get past the perceived risk.
People who choose distorted self-portraits for their social media profiles always have distorted worldviews.
Companies perform better when they have an enemy, real or imagined.

If your company doesn’t have one, you need to invent one.
When firing/breaking up with someone, they never hear anything after "We're firing you."

It takes a follow-up meeting to have them retain any details.

(Though any firing that's a surprise means you screwed up as a boss.)
Body language is too often ignored.

Someone walk hunched over? They likely have low self-confidence.

Someone have shifty eye movements? They’re probably shifty.
Most people asking for advice really don’t want to have their mind changed.

(If you find the person who started telling entrepreneurs to “ask for advice when you want money”, please connect me because I want to beat their ass.)
People way overestimate the accuracy of their memory.
If you run into confusing behavior, look first for an evolutionary explanation (procreation, safety, etc).
Everyone sees the world as the director+star of their own film.

Explains a ton of self-centric behavior.
To understand people, you must understand their “lens” to perceive the world (micro vs macro, past vs future, creativity vs rules).

If you listen closely, they tell you through their speech and thought patterns.
People are either mercenaries or missionaries.

You get to decide which you to recruit.
Unethical and evil people also think they’re right and justified.

That’s what makes them so dangerous.
Most people go through life sadly unaware they get to control their own thoughts and their reactions to them.
You should be vigilant about cutting negative/stupid people out of your life.

No reason to feel bad about it.

Life is too short to deal with assholes or people that are frustrating.
Consumers will lie to you about what they want.

You have to pay attention to their actions to get the truth.
Using psychological tricks for positive aims is entirely acceptable.

Using it for evil is not.

(See Cialdini: Persuasion)
Becoming a student of human nature is the highest ROI business activity you can do in business and life.

All starts with asking "why?" someone did something you don't understand.
Associate with introspective people.

They grow their decision-making ability all the time.

This means they have high potential.
A segment of the population is wired to think you’re scamming them no matter what you do.
People will usually overcompensate the opposite direction for their parents' shortcomings.

Ex: Dad was volatile? The kid will be a peaceful dad.
People naturally teach the way they learn.

So, watching someone teach a skill can tell you how to teach them.
People need 10 compliments to offset each criticism.
People naturally assume everyone shares their values.

You can tell mature people because they've learned it’s better to just let other people be wrong.
People overestimate the accuracy of their memory.
Vast majority of people function best when organized in a hierarchy.
Most people just want to be told what to do when big decisions come around.

This also just looks like them following the herd.
People are lumpy in terms of strengths.

Your mission to help people align their roles with their super powers.
Oppositely, every human is bad at some things.

Your must identify your weaknesses and craft a life/role that minimizes dependency on them.
Most people are blissfully unaware they are entirely empowered to control their thoughts and how they react to them.
Peoples perception of “an acceptably long time” increases as you get older.

5 years to a 20-something is big.

Nothing to a 50-year old.
In an interview situation talking about their experience, no person can keep up a line of bullshit for more than 2 hours of questions.

They always slip up.
Adults make new friends through shared activities, interests, or beliefs.

If you don't have any of those in common, find another candidate.
Middle age is when you know what things are truly uninteresting to you.

And you can double down on the interesting stuff.
60-something men are the hardest group to change their worldview.

Better off not trying.
To predict a person's chances of future success, look at their track record.
The group most likely to be lazy are those that got big inheritances.
No group is more risk averse than 70+ year old female widowers.
Behind every CEO spending a ton of time in public, there exists a quiet executive COO getting stuff done.
We all end up as some variation of our parents and grandparents.

We are a Frankenstein-like creation made of their good and bad characteristics.
We are all playing "characters" on Twitter.

Nobody here is their real self.

(Especially the people who are going to reply "Yes this is the real me!")
The saying "opposites attract" is true for marriages that last.

(This is also why two celebrity marriages almost always fail. You can't have two narcissists in a marriage that works!)
Dad jokes serve an evolutionary purpose.

They teach kids how to speak concisely and how to identify BS.
People overestimate the fungibility of intelligence.

Being smart in one thing doesn’t mean you’re smart in other things.
Bad reputations are usually justified.

Of course, don't be prejudicial.

But, if someone has a bad reputation, there's often a reason you should find out before trusting them.
Great CEOs set high standards to develop high-performing teams.

Humans adapt more often than not to them.
In knowledge work (as defined by Drucker), workers make decisions all day long.

Good judgement requires intelligence.

Any hiring process should have an intelligence measurement in it.
People overweight grit to predict success in business.

It's essential for high performance, but grit without smarts and skills goes nowhere.
People undervalue the importance of appearance for success.

The highest ROI thing you can do for your kid's future?

People love to overcomplicate things.

It’s a self-defense mechanism to make yourself valuable in a social group.

It usually ends up poorly.
People are wired to find religion whether God is involved or not.

If you spend time with those with faith in Tesla, crypto, eth, bitcoin or Elon -- it's immediately clear that religion hasn't actually gone anywhere.
Magic happens when you can pay people for *results* and not time.
People will naturally hire people who think like themselves.

As a leader, you have to encourage leaders to create diverse teams in terms of strengths, weaknesses and viewpoints.

Or it won't happen.
If you want to save more, remove all of money but the minimum from your checking account.

This trick will unconsciously make you spend less.
You can give out business secrets and tricks like crazy on twitter with no concerns.

99% of readers will think you’re full of it.

And keep doing things like they always have.
That's it.

46 years of being a student of human nature in one thread!

What did I miss?
Also if you think others should see this, RTs if the first post are appreciated!
Wow this thread went viral, eh?

If you liked this thread, you’ll love this thread about my biggest life mistakes. https://t.co/VWKYgxFNjV
(Also, give me a follow @girdley to see more like this!)
If you are interested in small biz, check out the podcast I do weekly with @BillDA & @thegeneralmills:

Acquisitions Anonymous (@acquanon)

A simple format where we look at two businesses for sale each week.

What comes out is all the important stuff left out of business school!

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I might have a panic attack due to excitement!!

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So the cryptocurrency industry has basically two products, one which is relatively benign and doesn't have product market fit, and one which is malignant and does. The industry has a weird superposition of understanding this fact and (strategically?) not understanding it.

The benign product is sovereign programmable money, which is historically a niche interest of folks with a relatively clustered set of beliefs about the state, the literary merit of Snow Crash, and the utility of gold to the modern economy.

This product has narrow appeal and, accordingly, is worth about as much as everything else on a 486 sitting in someone's basement is worth.

The other product is investment scams, which have approximately the best product market fit of anything produced by humans. In no age, in no country, in no city, at no level of sophistication do people consistently say "Actually I would prefer not to get money for nothing."

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