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त्वामॆवाहुः कतिचिदपरॆ त्वत्प्रियं लॊकनाथं
किंतैरन्तःकलहमलिनैः किञ्चिदुत्तीर्यमग्नैः ।
त्वत्‌संप्रीत्यै विहरति हरौ सम्मुखीनां श्रुतीनां
भावारूढौ भगवति युवां दंपती दैवतं नः ॥ 9॥
#SriSthuthi #SwamiDesikan

In this slokam, Swami Desikan establishes that the Divya Dampathi of Sri Devi and Narayana together are the Supreme Tatvam. He says there is a group of people who believe that You alone are the Supreme being...2/n

and another group of people believe that Narayana alone is the Supreme being. These groups argue with each other to prove their views and struggle to establish their points of view. They are quite disturbed because of this and cannot find peace. 3/n

Our Vishistadvaita Siddhantham firmly states that You along with Your Divine Consort Narayana together are the Supreme Tatvam and there is no दंपती equal to or greater than the both of You. 4/n

There is परस्पर प्रीति between the two of you and Your Bhagavan performs acts only for Your pleasure(त्वत्‌संप्रीत्यै विहरति हरौ). How do we know this? The Vedas talk about this fact(
सम्मुखीनां श्रुतीनां भावारूढौ). 5/n
Why is it important to listen Krishna Bala leelA

Mind has an incessant tendency to keep wandering and thoughts are the waves that never stops.

The proclivity of the mind is like a parasite that it latches on to something. The attraction could be caused by 1

different emotions such as taste, fear, anger, arts etc. entertainment such as watching telly or movie or theatre is exactly for that.

So, all practices prescribed in the religious texts is essentially to curb or control it.

SarvE manO niGraha lakSanAntaH 2

bikSu gItam, Srimad Bhagavatham

Therefore, it is essential to identify an object which is worthy enough to ensure the thought waves are able to get attracted to.

There’s no other object in the universe that meets any of the parameters such as
- Beauty
- Worthiness
- Value 3

Heartwarming and so on

than Krishna. There’s no limit to the content experienced by mind towards Krishna. The only form of Bhagawan that evokes such a desire is Bala Krishna and not any other rupA (for example Narasimha).

Narayana Bhattatri explains the form of 4

Guruvayurappan through the sloka.

யத் த்ரைலோக்ய மஹீயஸோபி மஹிதம்
ஸம்மோஹனம் மோஹனாத்
காந்தம் காந்தி நிதானதோபி மதுரம்
மாதுர்ய துர்யாதபி சௌந்தர்யதோபி சுந்தரதரம்
த்வத் ருபம் ஆஷ்சர்யதோபி ஆஷ்சர்யம் புவனே ந கஸ்யகுதுகம் புஷ்னாதி
விஷ்ணோபி ந பிபோ - நாரயணீயம் 5