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- Dallas (on the ground): Cashapp $joshthedavid

- Houston (on the ground): Cashapp $cowboy336

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Updates on getting volunteers
For the past 3 months, I've been consistently pair-programming with my CTO.

Here's how it started, the progress, and what I've learnt along the way.


I'd always been vaguely interested in pairing, but it wasn't something we really did in my first job.

My interest was piqued by this (oh so timely!) tweet from James, a week before I started my new

In my onboarding, I mentioned this to my CTO and he was open to giving it a go.

We decided to incorporate it into our workflow and agreed to slack each other whenever we wanted to pair.

However, this did not go to plan.


Neither of us were in the habit of pairing and honestly, I had so much imposter syndrome around being hired that I was hesitant to ask because I didn't want to reveal how "terrible" I was.

(I moved from a largely HTML/CSS role to a full-blown React/Redux environment.)


Two weeks went by with little pairing.

In my week three one-to-one, I finally mentioned my struggles with the massive codebase & the panic I was feeling.

My CTO immediately came up with a game-plan, and we formally scheduled two weekly pairing sessions henceforth.

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Weitere Eindrücke:

Kurzum: natürlich wandern wir da alle hin (Mrz: 500 Mitglieder, Dez: 600000, Wert: $100 Mio), weil neu, weil auf kurzem Wege mit Stars, Politiker*innen, und vor allem Tech- und Medienmenschen ein Austausch möglich ist. Das ist natürlich toll.



Allerdings ist mein Eindruck, dass durch die gewisse Art elitären Umgangs und natürlich den Ursprung der Tech-Avantgarde in den USA die Plattform bisher sehr weiß & cis männlich ist. Bis das für mich richtig toll wird, wird das also noch dauern.

New: we've obtained a large dataset of the precise movements of people using a Muslim prayer app. People near mosques. Source was concerned this data could be abused. Company selling this data linked to supply chain to U.S. contractor which works with ICE

We previously reported how Muslim Pro sold data to X-Mode which sold to U.S. military contractors. Now, through a leaked dataset and independent analysis, we've found another highly popular Muslim app called Salaat First also sold granular location data

This leaked dataset of precise locations of Muslims shows not only the continued use of religious apps to harvest and sell location data without informed consent, but also just how easily this data is being traded in the location industry. https://t.co/y9iJHoDuQe

The leaked location data we got from a source isn't just for the Muslim prayer app Salaat First, but also for other apps selling data to Predicio. Because it had their advertising ID, let me filter down and follow specific Muslim app users https://t.co/y9iJHoDuQe

As for how we know the prayer app Salaat First with 10 million users was selling location data:
- leaked data of actual GPS coords included data marked as Salaat First
- my own analysis of apps that use Predicio SDK includes Salaat
- the dev confirmed it https://t.co/y9iJHoDuQe