Western governments need better mechanisms in place to be able to integrate refugees they help with. The world has a lot of displaced refugees who need genuine help. Bad actors are actively looking to exploit this as a vulnerability. Better screenings and integration is needed!

At this point what is glaringly obvious is that without proper integration into the social contracts of the host country, societies tend to get fragmented and tribes emerge.
As soon as this happens, separatists movements begin their work to dismantle the host country’s social contracts. While those separatists movements such as Islamists may just merely cause disruption and terror, they won't still be able to change those countries immediately.
But that change process would have already begun in a trajectory that has active selection pressures until contain will continue to optimize. But the immediate disruption and terror should be setting off alarm bells when you zoom out to see where those trajectories are heading.
We can already see this happening in many western countries with already past headway made in an increasing trajectory of encroachment onto the years of hard won social contracts of those countries.
These existing social contracts of those countries were achieved to it's currents points which are under attack now by year's of sacrifice by many people who works on human rights issues, women rights issues, child rights, free speech and much more.
By not integrating any add-on populations, we are saying the past sacrifices hard won by social movements in those host countries doesn't matter when threatened with violence by an ideological threat such as Islam.
Better screening and integration is required. Integrate. Integrate. Integrate. That is the key for globalism, human progress and people to flourish. We do not have to tolerate intolerance. We do not have to play host to people who will be parasitic on hard won social contracts!
@threadreaderapp unroll

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Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time! https://t.co/xPMGL36VGy

So today, I am going to quickly talk about 4 or 5 countries where you can get residence visas.

Why residence visas?

For starters, they are cheaper, FAR CHEAPER than passports, and offer almost all the benefits, not not, but a large swathe of them.

Second, residencies can be...

a pathway to citizenship.

In one or two of the countries I will talk about tonight, if you renew your residencies long enough, and fulfill all requirements, according to their law, which differs from country to country, you become eligible to apply for full citizenship.


you can see why they are good enough?

Cool. Alright, let's begin.

The first country is

1. Barbados

Yes, @Rihanna's country.

The first thing I love about it is it's fully black, majority descendants of ex-slaves of Igbo extraction.

That's why they refer to their country...

Barbados last year officially launched its 12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp, a new visa that allows remote workers to live and work from the Caribbean country for up to a year.

Applicants must electronically submit documents, such as a copy of their international passport and...

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