Those with a stated interest in heritage, like e.g.
@theSpurtle @NTBCC
may be interested to read our new section covering the extensive advice given to the Council & Developer by Historic Environment Scotland.

To save people having to read the whole thing here are a few key points. HES conclusion: "the proposed development would give rise to "adverse effects on the OUV of the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site (WHS) & the setting of the Category A listed Royal Crescent"
Regarding the application brought forward HES "recommended changes to the design of the development which we consider would reduce and avoid the impacts described" (on the OUV of the WHS). These included reduced height.
However, even the 1st pre-application advice issued to the developer & Council said "On the northern part of the site.. six-storey blocks would constrain... views to the Crescent from the north… Reducing the height of the.. blocks…would… protect the WHS topography & townscape"
Then on another occasion "our clear preference would be for the consideration of alternative options for the footprint and massing of development in this area" Referring to the southernmost blocks nearest to Royal Cres
Later, on the same issue of Royal Cres "we did not issue our ‘support’ for this volume of development, and that our clear preference would be for the consideration of alternative options for the footprint and massing of development"
& their comments on the planning application made incl. "Our decision not to object should not be taken as our support for the proposals." Royal Crescents environs show "The characteristic use of topography (&) comes masterfully together to form the very distinctive landmark"
They included mitigating actions to reduce damage to the OUV of the WHS included reducing height (1) on Fettes Row, (2) immediately next to Royal Crescent and (3) next to King George V Park.
Therefore anyone who supports this application is supporting an insensitive development on this site and condoning damage to the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site. (We want development but not this.)
The whole thing could have been avoided if the developer had paid attention to the advice given and changed the design earlier. Now it is up to Councillors to decide #Edinburgh #Heritage #UNESCO

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Good question: what proofs has BDA provided of his authenticity?

Let's go through some of them.

- BDA predicted the Saudis would assassinate Suleimani. They did.
- He said the dog that got Badghadi's arm deserved a Medal Of Honor. The next day the President posted a joke image showing him giving the dog a MoH.

- He said one of his ops in Syria would severely disrupt a CIA drug trafficking operation. This was proved true within a few days:
- He sent gold to Brazil to help pay for an anti-trafficking operation there. That op became public soon afterwards.

- On May 31 this year, he predicted the President would be giving a speech the next day. June 1, the President gives a surprise address at the Rose Garden.
- He predicted the US would be making diplomatic moves on Greenland. True.

- He said the US would be pulling all troops out of Afghanistan. This was confirmed within the month.
- He claimed earthquakes would be hitting Iran's nuclear facilities in December. Yep.
- There were FOUR facilities hit, not the three made public. Also true.

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