Larry Pickering was right on Wood Royal Commission.
I will copy his story below into a THREAD:

Larry Pickering
October 23, 2015 · ·

For each layer of abuse the Royal Commission peels back, there’s yet another more horrific layer ready to unfold... but the Commission is not game to go there.
For instance, I reported here a couple of years back about where Qld’s 35th premier, Rob “Bubbles” Borbidge, fits into the gallery of paedophile rogues.
Rob Borbidge, (he was Premier Newman’s first choice as Governor) and his mates had an after-hours predilection for under-age boys, and his “mates” were none other than ex-Chief Justice, and now the Newman anointed Qld Governor, Paul “Daphnis” de Jersey and the then Federal Court
Judge, John “Doggy” Dowsett.
The group BLAZE, an acronym for “Boy Lovers and Zucchini Eaters”, received much scrutiny from the NSW Wood Royal Commission and the NCA.
The Commission’s report is available on the net, so for those who say Pickering makes this stuff up because he is a bankrupt and can’t be sued, it would do them well to carry out a little research themselves into the multiple former commission and inquiry reports...
I am not a bankrupt and even if I was I could still be sued, so people are welcome to sue me, but they don’t and won’t for fear of what else will be exposed.
You’d be surprised at what else my solicitor holds.
A recent British report noted that children are being abused, “on an industrial scale”. Lord Justice George Fulford, adviser to the Queen and Privy Counsellor, is a founder of the outrageous “Paedophile Information Exchange” group known as PIE.
Justice Fulford claimed in an article that the PIE organisation, (now under investigation in the wake of the Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris scandals) was merely a way for paedophiles to, “make friends and offer each other mutual support”.
But PIE, is openly advocating child sex be legalised down to the age of four. (Yeah, four, I had to read it again too.) These paedophile groups are not confined only to gay lobbyists but there is certainly a predominance of them who are pushing for the legalisation of child sex.
In Australia there are over 44,000 homeless children either in foster care, State care or on the streets... almost all will be abused at some time.
Almost all children in Islamic groups will also suffer some type of abuse. Almost all tribal Aboriginal children will suffer what we call abuse, where old men “educate” young girls and old women “educate” young boys. Where does “culture” separate itself from assumed decency?
As reported earlier, a former Qld Government Speaker claims to have had in his possession a copy of a video, provided by the Parliamentary Service Staff, showing Rob Borbidge entering the Annex building with one of his “friends” and in the company of two young “boys” dressed
in high heeled shoes and blonde wigs.

It is believed that a copy of the video, which was in the possession of the Speaker, is now in a secure location.
Borbidge also wrote some very compromising “love letters” to young boys on official Opposition letterheads, which is an indication of how safe these people feel in their protected pursuits.
The former Speaker declared, “There are three in existence. I have recovered two, but there’s still one getting around out there somewhere.” The two letters are also now in a safe location.
Still nothing has been subpoenaed by the current Royal Commission.
In December of 1984, police raided two male brothels, Brett’s Boys at Kelvin Grove and House of Praetorian at Coorparoo.
Copies of credit card receipts were kept in Police Commissioner Terry Lewis’ safe. These documents were seized by Fitzgerald Inquiry investigators.
The source for this information was a solicitor representing one of the corrupt cops who was brought before the Fitzgerald Inquiry.
According to this source, Lewis’s safe contained credit card receipts for "Brett’s Boys" brothel. The receipts detailed the services as “laundry” and the credit cards were specifically described as AMEX and were noted as official “parliamentary expenses”.
Nothing of that material has been subpoenaed either.

In the Kimmins Report it was claimed that boys were supplied to "Brett’s Boys" from a Philippine source. But there was another source of young boys who were bound for the paedophile networks.
At the recent Carmody Commission of Inquiry a witness by the name of Fred Feige made mention of a senior officer in the Department of Family Services, Mr Donald A. C. Smith, who it was alleged, was apportioning out young boys to the offending groups on weekends.
No charges have been laid there either.
At the current Federal Royal Commission into “Institutional Responses” to Child Sexual Abuse, one witness would be happy to expand on this information. He has not been summonsed to appear and is not likely to be. He would have claimed that he was abused by one particular
paedophile who was part of a group.This group was involved in an early 1980’s court case which is known as the“Case of the Three White Volvos”

Each member of this group drove a white Volvo.The particular paedophile in question was alleged to be ABC radio announcer Blair Edmonds
Another member of this group was Justice Underhill (known as“Justice Underpants”) who died earlier this year. It is interesting to note who gave the eulogy at Underhill’s funeral It was Justice Kirby who also gave the eulogy at former Governor General, Sir Zelman Cowan’s funeral
Cowan was also a paedophile according to Police Intelligence records and he is the GG accused of in Heffernan’s latest nameless revelations.

If you don’t believe a wall of protection surrounds the worst of paedophilia in high places, consider this:
On March 12, 2002, Senator Heffernan again used parliamentary privilege to accuse Justice Michael Kirby of using a Commonwealth car to cruise the notorious “Darlinghurst Wall” where it was alleged he was seen soliciting sex from underage males.

Heffernan also accused
the eminent judge of being unfit to hear cases involving child sex charges. He claimed the judge had "regularly trawled for what they call ‘rough trade’ at the Darlinghurst Wall", and said he had personally interviewed several of Kirby’s former "rentboys".

He also claimed that
the judge often used taxpayer-provided Comcars to pick up a young male from Kings Cross and take him to the judge's home.

Justice Kirby, a declared homosexual with a long-term partner, strongly denied the claims.
But the Comcar driver's job record from April, 1994, showed that Justice Kirby was picked up at the Law Courts at 7pm and taken to Rose Bay. The trip, which according to the driver was via Darlinghurst, took 50 minutes.
At 11pm the car returned to Justice Kirby's home and went back to Darlinghurst, this time only taking 20 minutes. According to an annotation, the judge "did not travel" on the return journey. (It is against Comcar rules for the designated passenger to send a guest alone.)
The document does not identify who travelled on the judge's account. At the time, Justice Kirby was president of the NSW Court of Appeal. He was appointed to the High Court by Keating in February of 1996.
There was a second document, a statutory declaration from a man, now 29, sworn in August, 2000.
The rest of the story is here:
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राम-रावण युद्ध समाप्त हो चुका था। जगत को त्रास देने वाला रावण अपने कुटुम्ब सहित नष्ट हो चुका था।श्रीराम का राज्याभिषेक हुआ और अयोध्या नरेश श्री राम के नेतृत्व में चारों दिशाओं में शन्ति थी।
अंगद को विदा करते समय राम रो पड़े थे ।हनुमान को विदा करने की शक्ति तो राम में थी ही नहीं ।

माता सीता भी हनुमान को पुत्रवत मानती थी। अत: हनुमान अयोध्या में ही रह गए ।राम दिनभर दरबार में, शासन व्यवस्था में व्यस्त रहते थे। संध्या को जब शासकीय कार्यों में छूट मिलती तो गुरु और माताओं का कुशल-मंगल पूछ अपने कक्ष में जाते थे। परंतु हनुमान जी हमेशा उनके पीछे-पीछे ही रहते थे ।

उनकी उपस्थिति में ही सारा परिवार बहुत देर तक जी भर बातें करता ।फिर भरत को ध्यान आया कि भैया-भाभी को भी एकांत मिलना चाहिए ।उर्मिला को देख भी उनके मन में हूक उठती थी कि इस पतिव्रता को भी अपने पति का सानिध्य चाहिए ।

एक दिन भरत ने हनुमान जी से कहा,"हे पवनपुत्र! सीता भाभी को राम भैया के साथ एकांत में रहने का भी अधिकार प्राप्त है ।क्या आपको उनके माथे पर सिन्दूर नहीं दिखता?इसलिए संध्या पश्चात आप राम भैया को कृप्या अकेला छोड़ दिया करें "।
ये सुनकर हनुमान आश्चर्यचकित रह गए और सीता माता के पास गए ।

माता से हनुमान ने पूछा,"माता आप अपने माथे पर सिन्दूर क्यों लगाती हैं।" यह सुनकर सीता माता बोलीं,"स्त्री अपने माथे पर सिन्दूर लगाती है तो उसके पति की आयु में वृद्धि होती है और वह स्वस्थ रहते हैं "। फिर हनुमान जी प्रभु राम के पास गए ।