How did the Right come to hate this country so much?

Remember when (justifiably) criticizing the United States, even over minor flaws/errors, would cause the Right to seethe with contempt over your lack of Patriotism?

Yet now,….1/

...the Right claims the country is a cesspool run by corrupt, deep-state conmen who have exploited the system to get rich.....

....and that none of this country's institutions (FBI/Intelligence/democracy/etc.) can be trusted, and therefore must be torn down. 2/
We are currently seeing this in real time as Trump challenges the election in the courts. The danger being exposed during all of this is that the Right’s contempt isn’t limited to just the “liberal judges” whose professional integrity can’t be trusted because they’re liberal….3/
...the contempt also extends to Republican state office holders and a Trump-appointed appellate court judge/panel who wrote an opinion, that not only eviscerated Trump’s legal claims, but emphasized the danger that Trump and the conspiratorial Right poses to our democracy. 4/
Article III of the Constitution empowers the judicial branch to finds facts/settle disputes. When half the country believes that every “liberal” judge, and any Republican judge that rules against Trump is corrupt and can’t be trusted, then this country is headed for disaster. 5/
The Right's emotionally-reactive, unhinged, conspiratorial paranoia has reached such a fever pitch that, simply for following the law, lifelong Republicans are being cannibalized by the Right, labeled “enemy of the people” by Trump,...6/
....and lumped into the “whole system is corrupt”, and has-been-for-a-long-time rationalization of why everything/everyone who does not blindly support Trump or unquestioningly believe the conspiracy theories…must be torn down.

Again, why does the Right hate America so much? 7/
Article form (no paywall):

More from Nick Carmody JD, MS Psych

Observations about Covid, vaccine effectiveness, media portrayals/hypocrisy, and even Jan 6th to show the dangerous effect “trickle down irrationality”:

When disinformation causes otherwise irrational behavior to appear rational.

Let's unpack.....1/

In the video above, @rubinreport uses Johnathon Isaac’s response about being unvaccinated to correctly encourage people to
- avoid summarily demonizing people
- have a measured, good-faith interpretation of other people's potentially good-faith “rational” motivations/actions

I agree. Jonathon Isaac was very impressive in that interview.

We won’t make progress as a society by engaging in the same behavior that helped create the problem. And : 3/

Yet, just 12 seconds into the show, Rubin’s characterization of efforts to contain covid as attempts to “control”/tyrannize not only demonizes medical professionals (“elites”), but it’s also an implicit refusal to acknowledge ANY good faith motivation to protect public health: 4/

“[Covid is] going to be this constant cudgel that they can always use to control us and lock us down and put more rules on us, and all of the *stuff* that you all get since they’re always going to do that….. 5/
It's a perfect storm of emotional immaturity, arrested development, and the fetishization of "freedom" to the point where the *right to ignorance*....and the "freedom" to put others at risk...... is equated with "liberty".

Relevant threads:

It's a perfect storm of emotional immaturity, arrested development, and the fetishization of "freedom" to the point where the *right to ignorance*....and the "freedom" to put others at risk...... is equated with "liberty".

Trump's call to @GaSecofState highlights the intersection of "Trickle Down Pathology", the emasculinization of the rule of law, and a gaslighting technique I describe as "the manipulation of the interaction timeline".

To review: 1)Trump attempted to extort election fraud....1/

2) @GaSecofState, perhaps as a result of wanting to protect well as American Democracy...learned his lesson after taking a phone call from @LindseyGrahamSC, refused to take Trump's first 18 phone calls (attempts to commit voter fraud). 2/

3) Finally, relenting, and taking Trump's call...... Raffensperger recorded the call and publicized it only after Trump attacked him and the process.

Predictably, Trump and the Right Wing Echo Chamber immediately went into gaslighting mode in an attempt to "manipulate the interaction timeline". Here is a breakdown of how it works: 4/

The, “how do we fix this” is perhaps the most important question we face as a country. To the extent that it can be fixed, it starts with framing and language used to describe the problem/solution. The “deprogramming” and “brainwashed” verbiage has to be eliminated. 1/

No one is receptive to finding “common ground” when the starting point of the person who claims to desire common ground is telling them they’ve been brainwashed, and that they need to be “deprogrammed”. 2/

This plays into the “Totalitarian” narrative that Tucker Carlson is propagating, even going so far as using the “don’t believe your own eyes” to reinforce the narrative. 3/

Of course, this is exactly what occurred during Trump’s presidency. Basically, it’s another attempt to confuse and distract with moral/false equivalency. 4/

In the past, the Right attempted to excuse Trump’s pathological dishonesty with allegations of the Left lying: if everyone is lying, then no one is lying……because lying is normalized.

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