Trump's call to @GaSecofState highlights the intersection of "Trickle Down Pathology", the emasculinization of the rule of law, and a gaslighting technique I describe as "the manipulation of the interaction timeline".

To review: 1)Trump attempted to extort election fraud....1/

2) @GaSecofState, perhaps as a result of wanting to protect well as American Democracy...learned his lesson after taking a phone call from @LindseyGrahamSC, refused to take Trump's first 18 phone calls (attempts to commit voter fraud). 2/
3) Finally, relenting, and taking Trump's call...... Raffensperger recorded the call and publicized it only after Trump attacked him and the process. 3/
Predictably, Trump and the Right Wing Echo Chamber immediately went into gaslighting mode in an attempt to "manipulate the interaction timeline". Here is a breakdown of how it works: 4/
The Raffensperger call is the most recent example of the Right's attempt to gaslight and "manipulate the interaction timeline", by focusing on the reasonable response by both Raffensperger, and the 50+% of the country that still values the rule of law/democratic elections....12/ attempting to focus on and demonize Raffensperger's/society's reasonable reaction.

But, here's the thing......the problem isn't that Trump's attempt to extort and commit election fraud came to light....

....The problem is that it occurred.....13/
As alluded to in the initial tweet, the attempt to "manipulate the interaction timeline" has now intersected with masculinity.

For decades, the Right has masculinized conservative issues politics....and emasculinzed "principled morality, etc".....14/
However, as seen w/the Right's reaction to Raffensperger releasing a recording of the President of the United States attempting to extort election fraud and undermine the integrity of democratic elections....The Right is now emasculating the rule of law 15/
The emasculinization of the rule of law is just one of countless examples of how "Trickle Down Pathology" has infected society as result of having someone as pathologically disordered as Trump occupying the oval office. 16/

More from Nick Carmody JD, MS Psych

Trump's speech was another incitement for violence. The Right views the military as an impediment against another insurrection/potential coup. This is why Trump & the Echo Chamber have been coordinating an assault on the legitimacy/stability of the military. It's important...1/ remember that 53 of the 500 people arrested for the Jan. 6th insurrection were former/current military. The Right knows the military has a potential extremist problem, except that rather than attempt to understand and solve the problem,...2/

...Trump, and the Right Wing Media Echo Chamber are attempting to exacerbate and inflame the problem.

The Echo Chamber knows that FOX is on nearly every TV in and around military bases, so when Ted Cruz talks about the military being emasculated....3/

......and when Matt Gaetz and J.D. Vance talk about the military losing

The real danger for the country isn’t the election results, it’s the reaction to, and the refusal to accept the results. For more than four years, Trump and the Right Wing Media Echo Chamber have conditioned his supporters to believe the election is “rigged”. They believe it….1/

In a recent thread about collective election anxiety/PTSD, I wrote that “one half the country doesn’t believe in evidence, the other half can’t trust it.” 2/

This couldn’t more evident than by the fact that 87 percent of Trump supporters believe he will win re-election, despite the fact that… 3/

…the empirical data that shows Biden *should* win easily. This has resulted in calculating that Trump has only a 10% chance of winning. To be clear, 10% is a non-zero number, much like the 30% chance that Trump had in 2016. 4/

But the real problem isn’t necessarily about low probabilities, the real problem…..or more accurately, the danger…..lies in the pathologically unrealistic expectations of the cult of Trump: 90% of them have been conned into thinking that a 10% probability is a “sure thing”. 5/
The, “how do we fix this” is perhaps the most important question we face as a country. To the extent that it can be fixed, it starts with framing and language used to describe the problem/solution. The “deprogramming” and “brainwashed” verbiage has to be eliminated. 1/

No one is receptive to finding “common ground” when the starting point of the person who claims to desire common ground is telling them they’ve been brainwashed, and that they need to be “deprogrammed”. 2/

This plays into the “Totalitarian” narrative that Tucker Carlson is propagating, even going so far as using the “don’t believe your own eyes” to reinforce the narrative. 3/

Of course, this is exactly what occurred during Trump’s presidency. Basically, it’s another attempt to confuse and distract with moral/false equivalency. 4/

In the past, the Right attempted to excuse Trump’s pathological dishonesty with allegations of the Left lying: if everyone is lying, then no one is lying……because lying is normalized.

More from Politics

39.1% of Democrats think that it's wrong to negatively stereotype people based on their place of birth... AND that Southerners are more racist.

65.2% of Republicans think that people shouldn't be so easily offended... AND that Black Lives Matter is offensive.

64.6% of Democrats think that a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body... AND that selling organs should be illegal.

48.5% of Democrats think that a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body... AND that prostitution should be illegal.

57.9% of Republicans think that people should be free to express their opinions in the workplace... AND that athletes should not be allowed to sit or kneel during the national anthem.

Democrats: Men and women are equal in their talents and abilities. Also, women are superior.
This is partly what makes it impossible to have a constructive conversation nowadays. The stubborn refusal to accept that opposition to Trumpism and GOP nationalism is about more than simply holding different beliefs about things in and of itself. 👇

It's fine for people to hold different beliefs. But that doesn't mean all beliefs deserve equal treatment or tolerance and it doesn't mean intolerance of some beliefs makes a person intolerant of every belief which they don't share.

So if I said I don't think Trumpism deserves to be tolerated because it's just a fresh 21st century coat of cheap paint on a failed, dangerous 20th century ideology (fascism) that doesn't mean I'm intolerant of all beliefs with which I disagree. You'd think this would be obvious.

Another important facet. People who support fascist movements tend to give what they think are valid reasons for supporting them. That doesn't mean anyone is obliged to tolerate fascism or accept their proffered excuse.

Say you joined a neighborhood group that sets up community gardens and does roadside beautification projects. All good, right? Say one day you're having a meeting and you notice the President and exec board of this group are saying some bizarre things about certain neighbors.
I told you they’d bring this up

I was wondering why that tweet had so many stupid replies. And now I see

Seriously, this was “the night before.” If you’re at the march where they’re changing “Jews will not replace us” and “Blood and soil,” you’re not a “very fine person.” Full stop.

There are 3 important moments in that transcript.

1.) When someone asked Trump about a statement *he had already made* about there being blame on “both sides,” he said the “fine people” line.

2. Trump does clarify! “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally “


Then adds that there were “many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.”

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