27 Tweets That Will Hurt Like A Motherfucker


You don't want a girlfriend, you just want to feel loved.
If you brag about not giving a fuck, you’re giving a fuck.
You only hate your parents because you're too scared to forgive them.
People you haven't forgiven will live rent-free in your mind until you do.
If you valued your purpose over a pair of breasts on a screen you'd be a god already.
You're only violent because deep down you're sad.
You only feel the need to be superior to others because you're still hurt for when you didn't get attention as a kid.
You don't want money.

You just want to stop worrying about it.
You only tell people about your self-improvement journey because you're uncomfortable with having no attention.
If you followed your own advice you'd be rich already.
You only settle for low value women because you forget what you are.
You don't want to accept you're addicted to your phone.
You're not where you want to be because you haven't convinced your subconscious that it's possible.
It only offends you because there's a truth in there you don't want to accept.
You're not horny.

You just feel lonely.
If you're fat you don't respect yourself enough.
Truth is already inside you. But since you never leave a screen or shut the fuck up you don’t hear it.
You have a 100% survival rate and still complain about what you don’t have.
If you raise your voice,

It means you're out of ways to command respect.
Your parents were just playing defense.

Forgive them.
You only want to impress others because you don't have a high enough opinion of yourself.
If you end advice with "I don't know tho..."

You're afraid of responsibility.
The world is not against you. The world doesn’t care who you are.
We all have a sin of choice. And if you don’t think you have one, it’s pride.
If you can’t tell the truth to yourself, don’t expect people to tell it to you.
Don’t expect people to respect you if you don’t respect yourself.

Same with love.
28. Don’t follow me if you don’t want more of those.

More from Twitter

After hearing about @JanelSGM from @csallen, I spent the past few hours digging into her Twitter feed to see how she has been building Newsletter OS in public, from ideation to launch.

Here are some highlights in chronological order and what you can learn from the process:

1/ August 5 2020: Janel digs into '50+ newsletters' (note the number to build credibility) and creates a thread to discuss the lessons learnt. She also mentions that this is for a side project, which raises awareness of something she may be working

2/ August 5 2020 (cont): Each tweet in the thread is focused on a key message, with clear pointers for newsletter writers to

3/ September 1 2020: Janel tweeted about #buildinginpublic (note the hashtag) with @pabloheredia24 for @makerpad's challenge. While the project is https://t.co/tMb1qCnxVY and not NewsletterOS, Janel is getting in the reps on how to build in

4/ October 18 2020: Janel hints at building her new product using @NotionHQ and @gumroad. But instead of telling the audience directly what the product is, she invites her audience to take a guess.
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Dependency Confusion; Adam Curtis on criti-hype; Catalytic converter theft; Apple puts North Dakota on blast; and more!

Archived at: https://t.co/Osts9lAjPo



This weekend, I'll be participating in Boskone 58, Boston's annual sf convention, where I'm doing panels and a reading.



Dependency Confusion: A completely wild supply-chain hack.



Adam Curtis on criti-hype: Big Tech as an epiphenomenon of sociopathic mediocrity, not supergenius.



Catalytic converter theft: Rhodium at $21,900/oz.



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