Twitter is, by far, the fastest way to build a high-quality audience.


It's quicker to write insightful tweets than it is to produce 10min YouTube videos or 1400-word blog posts.

Here's a thread of actionable tactics from studying the fastest-growing Twitter accounts.

2/ Fast-growing accounts have two things in common:

1. They spend 30+ minutes per day sourcing and refining 1-3 daily tweets. They don't wing what they say, and they typically sit on each idea for a few days.

2. Key: They write tweets that get *retweeted.*
3/ Retweets bring followers.

We polled people to ask why they retweet. They said:

1. "Retweeting is my bookmarking system for ideas."

2. "I retweet when someone's put elegant words to my thoughts."

3. "I want my followers to know I relate to this statement."
4/ So, to get more RTs:

1. Tweet referenceable content that people will refer back to later.

2. Challenge the status quo with elegance and wit.

3. Pick a debate and argue your side with a novel take.

The most RTed tweets? *Threads with advice like this.*
5/ How to write a tweet:

• Open with a hook: Make it counterintuitive or counter-narrative.
• Concise body: Satisfy the craving your hook created.
• End with a punchy zinger: Summarize implications of your finding and what it means for the reader.
6/ How to source tweet ideas:

1. Read other popular tweets and note every time you have a strong reaction to one. Create a Tweet based on that reaction.

2. Summarize novel facts from Wikipedia, YouTube, and Podcasts.
7/ Keywords triple your reach.

Twitter’s Featured Topics’ algorithm favors tweets with certain keywords.

Inject 1-3 Twitter keywords into your tweet, e.g. sports, investing, or venture capital.
8/ Change your profile to get followers.

• Express value in your bio: "I write tweets to help startups grow."
• Pin your highest value, most RTed tweet
• Ensure your last 3 tweets are interesting
• Measure profile visit → follow rate (use
9/ Vanity metrics like # of followers mean little.

You need a way to consistently move people to an owned channel, like a newsletter.

2 ways:

1. Slow: Link your newsletter in your bio.

2. Fast: Tweet half a thread. Tell people to subscribe to get the other half.
10/ Remember that half the benefit of Twitter is connecting with interesting people.

Use a tool like to search through your followers’ bios.

Then message people when it's mutually beneficial to exchange ideas.
11/ Final thoughts:

• Spend ~30 mins/day and create 1-3 tweets per day
• Optimize tweets for RTs by sharing novel advice
• Generate ideas using reactions to strong opinions
• Inject topic keywords to expand reach
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More from Twitter

1/ Meta thread about "Going Pro" on Twitter.

I've been a Twitter power user since 2008 or so. Long time.

I've watched it change from an impromptu conversation or watch party platform to a place for people to build their professional reputations and network.

2/ In many ways it's matured into a more effective professional platform than LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is (mostly) about collecting the professional contacts you've met.

Twitter is a place to meet new people.

That much hasn't

3/ What also hasn't changed is its power for networking.

This is particularly useful if you break out of your echo chamber and talk, build relationships with people doing tangentially related things.

You're bricklaying and with patience it pays off.

4/ What has changed is a growing population of people being *intentional* about the use of Twitter for their professional lives.

Observations on what's working for them:

5/ They "Build in public" - sharing behind the scenes perspectives on whatever it is you're doing professionally.

What do people not know about what you do?

Stick within your expertise, with focus, where people see you are an authority - that’s where you grow a following.

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