Thread: I'm being conservative (ha!), but say Trump committed 100 appalling, unprecedented, unpresidential, if not inhuman acts a day since the escalator ride. This amounts to approximately 166,000 of them. Things he said or did that were either immoral, corrupt, cruel...1/10

(2/10)...criminal, treasonous, or simply inappropriately offensive, ignorant or otherwise mortifying, as well as the things he omitted to do, the things that amounted to a President's job. This doesn't count the things he did before that: the Birtherism,...
(3/10)...the Central Park 5, destroying Atlantic City, swindling hundreds with his phony diploma mill, etc. I wish I had kept a diary -- I'm certain somebody has -- because that number, as large as it is, doesn't begin to convey it. For most Americans, a majority of Americans,...
(4/10) has been like receiving that many SLAPS, every few minutes, every day for four and a half years. A constant feeling of agida and high blood pressure and upset stomach and anxiety and nausea. Every day. Four and a half years. He's the uniter? Families are DIVIDED...
(5/10)...I have numerous friends I have not spoken to since his Presidential campaign began. I think I hate him most for his skunk-like penchant for NEVER GOING THE FUCK AWAY. That's what we've prayed for every day, right? That he would be GONE. Out of our lives, so we can...
(6/10)...breathe again, and smile again, and hear the wind and the birds. But he's like a case of the shingles or something. We couldn't properly celebrate Biden's victory because Trump never conceded, then couldn't accept the state certifications, then REALLY couldn't...
(7/10)...celebrate Congress's sign off on the certifications. And so I really wish I could feel like I could celebrate tomorrow, to experience tomorrow like some kind of catharsis. But he's not going away. There's the Senate trial (and believe me I WANT the Senate trial)...
(8/10)...And the thousands of mini-Trumps who've sprouted up like dragon's teeth who will probably still be around long after I'm dead. And the fact that the leadership of this country has never displayed a propensity to hold up one of their own (the rich and powerful) to real...
(9/10)...justice. So I have no expectation or hope that Trump or his skunk smell will go away in my lifetime. But please know that I will never EVER "heal" or "unite" with anyone I feel contributed to doing this to my country, for turning it into, in the words of the...

More from Trump

To those who want to actually help Claudia Conway after her mom (Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former aide) posted her underage daughter’s nudes to Fleets, fill out a report on the NCMEC CyberTipline.
CPS refused to help her.

Kellyanne Conway has a well-documented history of verbally abusing, gaslighting, and threatening her daughter. It gets worse when highly public things go viral (such as exposing the truth about Trump and Conway catching COVID-19 last October). Kellyanne coerces false statements.

Insider did a thorough chronological background of the history of exposing her parents abuse and control of her here:

We all know that “statement” last year was coerced. She talks constantly about being abused by them.

Personally? I suspect Kellyanne is a narcissist. From my own experience being sexually and emotionally abused by a narcissist, they are obsessed with controlling the narrative (coerced typed statement), discrediting their victim (posting her nudes) & gaslighting

If you haven’t experienced gaslighting or aren’t familiar with it, it’s when someone causing you harm (physical, emotional, sexual, financial, etc) twists the facts and asserts that reality is just you being delusional and you don’t actually understand what happened.

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