@NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator The same tactics used with Trump were used with Hitler by the Evangelicals to set up someone who exhibits qualities as an AntiChrist into a role of a Saint but this time targetting Muslims as Killers of Americans & still using gay people as abomination of God to con churches...1/

@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator This was by design and process that developed over 60 years of psychological influencing through a collaboration of the entertainment world, religious broadcasts, oil/gas loyalists who bastardized the US Constitution, and #KochNetwork #DarkMoney orgs connected to DeVos...2/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator Judeo-Christian America never existed. 1A was designed to removed Roman Catholic Church of England hold over the newly formed US Government. It demands zero influence of religion over law or government decisions. The Virginia Baptist insisted on it w/ Thomas Jefferson...2/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator Judeo-Christian is coined from Nitzche's book "The AntiChrist" that means Jews converting to Christianity. It is used in the context we see today to tie in a Jewish Jesus into the Torah so that the strict rules of the Torah are elevated to a Christian philosophy. A paradox...4/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator It is a paradox because Jesus was a rebel Jew. He defied the teachings of the Torah which pissed off the Pharisees - Jewish religious leaders. He elevated poor & people society condemned to same level as leaders. He is nothing like what we see today as American Christianity...5/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator The reason Christianity becomes so easy to manipulate & make people forget the core traits of Jesus Christ who this faith is supposed to follow is because of the need to judge & condemn. Natural human instinct of Categorization & assign hierarchical status. Assign a label...6/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator Assigning a category & hierarchy is the first thing we do when discovering something new. This is why stereotyping when combined with propaganda mediums of marketing slogans & priming is so powerful in influencing the attitude of a collective whole to a group...7/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator Especially when combined with an elevated sense of superiority that Christianity lends itself to in the spirit of judging sins that should not exist in the religion at all if the teachings of Christ are upheld. Unfortunately, Paul is usually elevated above Christ...8/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator Paul who was the Christian terrorist Saul of the Roman Army was converted by Divine Intervention on the road to Damascus & became the leader who taught non-Jewish Churches. Was this a way for the Roman empire, brought down by the followers of Christ, to reestablish dominance?..9/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator It would appear that way since outside of the Love aspect of God he pushes the strict rules found in the Torah especially concerning Women & master-slave obedience.

Through history we see a constant separation of Catholic doctrine of suppression and leader hierarchy &...10/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator And rebels who break free with a new movement that is an antithesis against the strictness & oppression of the religion being shown. The Protestant Revolution.
Martin Luther in Europe & Founding Fathers in America.

Yet, over time these rebels are forgotten and like Christ...11/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator Their teachings are bastardized and picked into the next oppressive & violent movement of suppression that springs forth. Vlad the impaler of Baltic, Inquistion, Nazi, KKK, Trumpism.

If Christians stuck to teachings of Christ they would not fall for such corrosive policies...12
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator But we never learn. The separation for superiority of an Us against them mentality betrays us everytime. Which is why God becomes such an easy scapegoat for dictators to steal power & land and Christians go willingly with the plans believing it is Divinely blessed...13/
@Nick_Carmody @NBCNews @BandyXLee1 @Narcopath_UK @narceducator In the end in hindsight we learn that these actions done in God's name that contradict the teachings of Christ or bastardized it, were about stealing natural resources and lands. The morally justified invade & pillage disguised as religion. Widespread suffering & slavery results

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I'm going to do two history threads on Ethiopia, one on its ancient history, one on its modern story (1800 to today). 🇪🇹

I'll begin with the ancient history ... and it goes way back. Because modern humans - and before that, the ancestors of humans - almost certainly originated in Ethiopia. 🇪🇹 (sub-thread):

The first likely historical reference to Ethiopia is ancient Egyptian records of trade expeditions to the "Land of Punt" in search of gold, ebony, ivory, incense, and wild animals, starting in c 2500 BC 🇪🇹

Ethiopians themselves believe that the Queen of Sheba, who visited Israel's King Solomon in the Bible (c 950 BC), came from Ethiopia (not Yemen, as others believe). Here she is meeting Solomon in a stain-glassed window in Addis Ababa's Holy Trinity Church. 🇪🇹

References to the Queen of Sheba are everywhere in Ethiopia. The national airline's frequent flier miles are even called "ShebaMiles". 🇪🇹