Let's discuss all of this and take potential arguments and put them out there, and then, for a second, discuss how bad it is that we have to do this.

Someone here, and I cannot find your post, so that's on me; come claim your genius prize, called Trump "Schrodinger's President"

This is because he simultaneously sick and not sick, very ill and mildly ill, all of it, at the same time.

So, scenario 1: He's really sick. In this scenario, we have a really sick fool who didn't wear a mask and who infected basically an entire garden party.
In this scenario, with claims by unreliable liars (including him), everyone got sick and one guy, Grassley, is refusing to test because he wants that judiciary committee to have a quorum.
In this scenario, McConnell, a corrupt a-hole is pulling the Senate until the 18th, to avoid voting on a bill to help ppl in distress but also to protect Senate leaders, except the judiciary committee. Which is convening on the 12th to destroy rights and access to healthcare.
In this scenario, Trump is really sick or very sick or mildly ill, depending on whether you believe the nervous looking doctors on the podium surrounded by goons in white coats who look like bouncers, not physicians.
Scenario 2: Trump is not ill. This is a ploy to gain sympathy because of his tax fraud, desperate desire not to go to jail, and his need to be the center of things. In this scenario, seasoned con artists are continuing their grift by having Trump go hang out at Walter Reed.
This scenario is bolstered by the claim that "he will be released in a few days," because this disease is not like that, but hey, his supporters are really gullible. It is in their best interests to be gullible and some of them drank bleach when he told them to.
In this scenario, he did make those videos (still not live--come on now) but at Walter Reed's where he is being treated for nothing and is hanging out in his cufflinks and regular clothes. This scenario also has the complicated reality of him using oxygen under his mask.
But they are con artists and maybe someone thought this wld be a nice touch. (In the other scenario, he's hiding the oxygen from everyone and not very well.)

Then, there are multiple variations on these scenarios, but notice NONE OF THEM are the stories they are telling us.
And now to my main point: None of it matters. The biggest takeaway is he is a serial liar and we can't believe a thing he says, which is why we're not sure what is going on.

Why would we want someone like that to be our president?

More from Trump

Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Stop saying "it's not censorship if it's not the government"; Trump's swamp gators find corporate refuge; and more!

Archived at: https://t.co/7JMcAbaULj



Monday night, I'll be helping William Gibson launch the paperback edition of his novel AGENCY at a Strand Bookstore videoconference. Come say hi!



Stop saying "it's not censorship if it's not the government": I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.



Trump's swamp gators find corporate refuge: The Swamped project.



#15yrsago A-Hole bill would make a secret technology into the law of the land https://t.co/57bJaM1Byr

#15yrsago Hollywood’s MP loses the election — hit the road, Sam! https://t.co/12ssYpV46B

#15yrsago How William Gibson discovered science fiction https://t.co/MYR0go37nW

Picking up on @henryfarrell's comments here, one implication of my work on democratic breakdown is that the US should harshly punish GOP leaders who attempted to keep Trump in power despite losing the election and fomented insurrection to advance that effort. 1/n

I wrote a book a decade ago that used game theory to explore the ways democracies die and what that tells us about how and why they sometimes survive. 2/n

One implication of the formal model in that book is that normative commitments to democracy may matter less than expectations about the benefits and costs of trying to subvert democracy. 3/n

It's great when all the major players (ruling party, opposition party, and military) believe democracy is good in itself. If they don't, tho, then what matters most are their beliefs about how easily they can seize power and how costly it would be to try and fail. 4/n

I think it's pretty clear that many key players in the GOP don't see democracy as a good in itself ("we're a republic, not a democracy"). So that shifts their attention to their ability to usurp power and the costs of trying and failing. 5/n

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1/ Here’s a list of conversational frameworks I’ve picked up that have been helpful.

Please add your own.

2/ The Magic Question: "What would need to be true for you

3/ On evaluating where someone’s head is at regarding a topic they are being wishy-washy about or delaying.

“Gun to the head—what would you decide now?”

“Fast forward 6 months after your sabbatical--how would you decide: what criteria is most important to you?”

4/ Other Q’s re: decisions:

“Putting aside a list of pros/cons, what’s the *one* reason you’re doing this?” “Why is that the most important reason?”

“What’s end-game here?”

“What does success look like in a world where you pick that path?”

5/ When listening, after empathizing, and wanting to help them make their own decisions without imposing your world view:

“What would the best version of yourself do”?
कुंडली में 12 भाव होते हैं। कैसे ज्योतिष द्वारा रोग के आंकलन करते समय कुंडली के विभिन्न भावों से गणना करते हैं आज इस पर चर्चा करेंगे।
कुण्डली को कालपुरुष की संज्ञा देकर इसमें शरीर के अंगों को स्थापित कर उनसे रोग, रोगेश, रोग को बढ़ाने घटाने वाले ग्रह

रोग की स्थिति में उत्प्रेरक का कार्य करने वाले ग्रह, आयुर्वेदिक/ऐलोपैथी/होमियोपैथी में से कौन कारगर होगा इसका आँकलन, रक्त विकार, रक्त और आपरेशन की स्थिति, कौन सा आंतरिक या बाहरी अंग प्रभावित होगा इत्यादि गणना करने में कुंडली का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

मेडिकल ज्योतिष में आज के समय में Dr. K. S. Charak का नाम निर्विवाद रूप से प्रथम स्थान रखता है। उनकी लिखी कई पुस्तकें आज इस क्षेत्र में नए ज्योतिषों का मार्गदर्शन कर रही हैं।
प्रथम भाव -
इस भाव से हम व्यक्ति की रोगप्रतिरोधक क्षमता, सिर, मष्तिस्क का विचार करते हैं।

द्वितीय भाव-
दाहिना नेत्र, मुख, वाणी, नाक, गर्दन व गले के ऊपरी भाग का विचार होता है।
तृतीय भाव-
अस्थि, गला,कान, हाथ, कंधे व छाती के आंतरिक अंगों का शुरुआती भाग इत्यादि।

चतुर्थ भाव- छाती व इसके आंतरिक अंग, जातक की मानसिक स्थिति/प्रकृति, स्तन आदि की गणना की जाती है

पंचम भाव-
जातक की बुद्धि व उसकी तीव्रता,पीठ, पसलियां,पेट, हृदय की स्थिति आंकलन में प्रयोग होता है।

षष्ठ भाव-
रोग भाव कहा जाता है। कुंडली मे इसके तत्कालिक भाव स्वामी, कालपुरुष कुंडली के स्वामी, दृष्टि संबंध, रोगेश की स्थिति, रोगेश के नक्षत्र औऱ रोगेश व भाव की डिग्री इत्यादि।