First off; “We The People” need those who have sworn an oath to protect Us and the constitution to read this article...NOW, not tomorrow! We are at war for this country! @USMarshalsHQ @USMC @usairforce @USArmy @SpaceForceDoD

We know so much more than this. Since 2015, Donald J Trump running for Office of the President has thrown a wrench in the plans that very bad traitors had for us. For decades, elected officials have infiltrated ideological people into ALL aspects of OUR agencies to do their
bidding! The cia, nsc, doj, fbi, cdc, nsa, just to name a few, have perpetrated a series of lies to “frame” Donald Trump before during and now after his presidency! Google; Pelosi, “Wrap up smear”! ALL of which was knowingly false just to stop DJT from getting in their way!
You and I both know this absolutely was a coordinated effort which proves conspiracy! The media as well is not just bought, they have proven time and again by their own reporting, foreknowledge of many of the falsehoods. These evil ppl have pulled out ALL the stops to what they
won’t do! With this new (false) administration, they are telling Us, up is down, black is white, and left is right, and if you don’t STFU and obey, we will send you to re-education camps. This is NOT a Dems v Reps operation, as we have proof that there are only a handful from
both sides that are not compromised! So “We The People” are at a crossroads where it doesn’t matter how much “in your face” proof We have of lies after lies after lies, of corruption, murder, and economic slavery; because the justice and intelligence systems have been infiltrated
to protect themselves! The Traitors to our nation have now taken our voices and muzzled us! Anytime GOOD Americans peacefully get together for our nations common values, they make it look like “We” are the bad guys. So.... here’s the other direction in this crossroad. Since We
have proven We cant depend on those who govern us to do the right thing, the only solution left for us as a nation, is military involvement or a civil war to right the wrongs, and a civil war is exactly what they want! They can kill us off with no need for education camps. Win/
Win for them. Remember, and make no mistake, We are at war for this nation! I’m going to make one statement to ALL our service members. I want the whole military to think about how many of us “non-military” men and women that have fought and DIED for YOU to protect you from these
False Flag wars that you have been fighting! Let that sink in... ! Don’t get me wrong, we love OUR military and the job they do to protect the freedoms this country, just not the FF jobs they were forced to do to further the globalists agenda. It is YOU the armed forces this
Country desperately NEEDS right now to step in and protect Us from death and slavery. I don’t say that lightly or unwarranted! You are all we have left to save this nation, it’s people (who have backed you), and our constitution that is being trampled to death as I speak. THAT my
Fellow Americans is the precipice we are at! For GOD and Country!👊🏼🙏🇺🇸 @RepMattGaetz @NewBookofDaniel @JovanHPulitzer @DevinNunes @Jim_Jordan @mtgreenee @4AllSoulKind @DonaldJTrumpJr @ArtValley818__ @SharylAttkisson @EmeraldRobinson @DanScavino @HyperPiper17 @gatewaypundit
@threadreaderapp please unroll

More from Trump

It’s not clear how Dr. Sean Conley has determined Trump will no longer need to isolate only 10 days after symptom onset.

Looks like the CDC Guidelines say Trump should be in the category that needs to isolate for 20 days after symptom onset.👇

Plus ...

2. Fauci on Thursday used a (test-based) approach, in which case, per Fauci:

Trump needs to isolate for 10 days after symptoms RESOLVE (not symptoms onset) and then two negative tests.

Note: based on his coughing on Hannity last night, Trump’s symptoms haven’t resolved yet.

3. Here’s a longer quote from Fauci (via @MarionRenault):

4. Also noteworthy: on Hannity last night, Trump wouldn’t say he’s tested negative.👇

Thus failing one of the conditions required by Fauci for Trump to be considered no longer contagious.

5/5. This resource on coronavirus (UpToDate) has been specially made available to the public. It describes the test-based and non-test-based approaches.

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