We all have broken some kind of traffic rules in our life. But, there are many rules which you’re not aware of and you can take advantage of it by not giving the fine.

The story of - Traffic Rules

A Thread 🧵👇

1/ In India, every person has broken the traffic rules in some way or another. But, as a citizen of India, you should be aware of some facts which are not known or popular. These facts will help you to get rid of challan.
2/ A traffic cop has absolute authority in roads. Whenever they give you a signal, you are bound to obey them. So, obey the rules. 🧑🏻‍⚖️
3/ Whenever you’re stopped by the traffic cop, you have the right to ask the reason for stopping you. Always ask the reason. But, you have no right to argue with him.
4/ If you feel there was a reason (or mistake) for breaking the law, speak to the cop candidly and ask for pardon. 🥺 In most cases, they will leave you after a warning.
5/ Sometimes, you face that traffic policeman doesn’t have the challan book or e-challan machine, then in this case, you don't need to pay the fine. But, if traffic cops have the book/ machine, pay the fine only when you get a receipt of the fine.
6/ Can the traffic cops stanch (take) your keys?
No, they cannot snatch your keys. As per Motor Vehicles Act 1932, it's illegal for a traffic cop to take away your car keys forcefully. No police officer, irrespective of his or her rank or authority can take away your keys.
7/ If he/ she does, you have the full right to launch a legal proceeding (case) against the officer.
8/ No helmet is necessary for Sikhs with turban or with anyone who has recently undergone an ear surgery. Be aware of it.
9/ Can a policeman constable fine challan?
Traffic Police officers can issue challan, not the normal police personnel. Only the head constable or officers of higher post can issue challan.
10/ A Head Constable can be identified by the 3 stripes of ‘V’ shape on the uniform’s arm. But, they can only issue a penalty of up to ₹ 100. But, he’s allowed to issue multiple penalties separately, if multiple violations have occurred.
11/ For example, if you are driving a two wheeler 🛵 without wearing a helmet and jump the traffic signal then the Head Constable is authorised to issue two separate challans for a fine of ₹ 100 each.
12/ But, a Head Constable can’t issue challan for traffic rule violations by commercial vehicles. 🚚 AND a police officer can never force you to get out of the vehicle.
13/ Can you be fined multiple times in a day?
Once fined for non-wearing of helmet or violation of traffic rules, the challan remains valid till midnight of the same day. Till its validity you can redeem it as many times as you want. Be safe while driving.
14/ Which document to show when traffic cops ask you?
According to Section 130 of Motor Vehicles Act, when a police officer asks you for the documents, you only need to present your license at that moment.
15/ The choice of handing over the rest of the documents is completely at your own will.
16/ In which case you can file a complaint against the traffic police?
If you feel that you're not treated properly by the traffic cop or were being harassed then you can file an online complaint about the incident or at your nearest police station, explaining about the incident.
17/ Can traffic police stop you for no reason in India?
Well, yes. A traffic officer’s main job is to ensure safety on the road and to make sure that every vehicle that plies on the road is following the rules.
18/ A traffic police officer can stop you for any reason on the grounds of suspicious driving, over a traffic infraction or any other crime.
19/ But, cops cannot tow your vehicle as long as you are sitting in it. Yes, they cannot tow your vehicle if you do not vacate it.
20/ UNPOPULAR FACT - If you forgot your documents at home and you’re fined for it. However, there is a provision under which the challans can be cancelled by paying ₹100 per violation.
21/ First of all, it is important to understand that being fined for not carrying important documents like license, RC, and vehicle insurance policy doesn't mandate that you pay the fine up front.
22/ Actually, no matter what traffic violation you receive a fine for, you are not required to pay at the scene. In fact, you get 15 days to pay the challan. This 15-day rule is applicable only if you have all the necessary papers but have left them at home or some other place.
23/ However, if you visit your concerned RTO, traffic police station, or Planning Branch and show all the correct documents within the given time, you can get the challans cancelled by paying ₹100 per violation.
24/ The only condition is that you cannot then go get all the required documents made and get forgiven of the penalty once after the challan has been issued. But it must be noted that this applies only to cases where you are fined for not carrying documents.
25/ So, fines for other traffic violations like overspeeding, dangerous driving, etc. will attract the penalty.
26/ Sometimes, you had this problem so many times that you forgot your Driving license or documents at home. Then, you call the person, he/ she brings the document from your home or sometimes you have to give a fine for not having proper documents.
27/ But, as per the recent circular from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, you can carry your documents electronically and traffic cops have to be accepted as a legal form of documentation.
28/ A document is considered to be legally accepted and valid only when they're stored and presented in the central governments' online portal like DigiLocker App or mParivahan App. Any other form of photograph clicked on your mobile phone can still land you in trouble.
29/ However, in many cases it was found that when the driver of the vehicle commits (mistake) an offense (breach of a law or rule), then he or she will have to present the original hard copy of the documents. So, carry the physical documents also. 📄
30/ The documents are :- Registration Card (RC Book), Driving License, Insurance papers and PUC Certificate (Pollution Under Control). So, upload your documents in the DigiLocker or mParivahan App now.
That’s it for today.

But, in law one thing you should know that Ignorance of Law is Not an Excuse. So, it’s your duty to be aware of such laws. Don’t worry I’m here to explain to you about such law in future. Stay Tuned….
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End of Thread. Stay tuned for another thread next week. 🔥

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