Mkt view :
Only 290 companies trading above dec 2017 prices which was top of overall broader market. If one looks at nifty which is concentrated in 5 stocks, then it may scare them. Whereas individual stocks have yet lot of room to grow.

In history of markets, when interest rates can not grow and remain so low for another 1 year minimum then stock prices are bound to soar.
How to play in current markets :
1. Debt free and low working capital companies ( as% of sales) with less receivable days and small cash conversion cycles . This ensures company always has money to operate n stay afloat.
2. High growth companies with above 1st condition. Top line of 10% plus and bottom line of 25% plus consistently with increasing or stable operating margins make the company do better in robustness of share price.
In such pandemic corona conditions or earlier demonetization, nbfc liquidity crunch, ilfs, small & midcap dwnfall from 2018: if all of these situations can not stop these companies then What will?
They remained robust and grew in profits and share prices. That's what we are choosing. If there is correction in stock price, it will never set a panic or regret, one would be willing to add n load it up. Only those are the companies worth buying.
with size of opportunity / available market to sell expanding for them. Where peer companies of theirs locally or globally are not able to compete with them in terms of margins, quality or scale
We have chosen Such 10-12 Companies where management is clear and working hard and smart on plans. "What is going to happen to their profits" Has very much clarity. Then question remains what investor is going to do about it?
to know more contact us at [email protected] , 8369508540

More from Trading

1/ Feels like a good time to tell the story of how I went from broke to a millionaire to broke again in 2017/18 again...

Yesterday was brutal for some people...

Losing life-changing money sucks, losing any money can chase the market or you can change your strategy.

2/ The original thread is gone but you can read it here.

- Traded $32k to $1.2m
- Thought I was a genius
- Made poor investments
- Didn't conserve capital
- Peaked at 150 BTC
- Lost nearly all of it

2 weeks from losing my house + no income. Oops.

3/ I am going to assume you are in it for the money rather than the tech. Yeah, you might Tweet about the amazing blockchaining of cross-border payments and oracles yadda yadda...really, you are in it to make money.

If you are really in it for the tech, go and build something.

4/ Okay, so if you want to make money, trading is super hard, you are trading against:
- Better traders than you
- People who can move markets
- Unknown information

And if you are trading with leverage you might blow up your account with the volatility.

5/ If you are not trading, you are investing. Okay, so what are you investing in?

I made the decision that the crypto with the best opportunity of existing in 10 years is #Bitcoin:
- Solves a genuine problem
- The right tech
- A proven track record

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