A story of Mafia Integrity

You've heard bits of this
Funds offshore
Don't invest in the UK
Companies and factories moved out
Henry viii powers used to vanish Tax evasion and money laundering law

But the mafia at the heart of the Conservative party just got started.

Brexit deals may be closing, but the "brains" behind it,
whose gift is decades of damage,
who moved assets to profit from that damage
Is tightening its grip.

These are not the people to trust to decide our future or trade.

Unless you want it stolen
The examples
Tax evasion
Offshore funds
Currency speculation.

They're all a little distant.

So what about some examples closer to you or me?

Your word is your bond. Your promise is your reputation.

How do they build that reputation for our country?
1. China bought us Jan-March with heavy #Covid19 containment measures and clampdowns.

We wasted it.
Then worsened it, leaving airports open

Mafia called our response perfect and demanded reparations for the "China Virus"
2. Roles just reversed. Now WE have a new homegrown highly transmissible variant of #Covid19.

So where are the mafia? Shouldn't they be calling this the "English Virus?"

And screaming Blue Murder that Priti has again failed on airport checks, outbound this time?

3. They said the clampdown on South Africa was taking back control of our borders...

Despite all the other times, we didn't control borders, including March, where failure resulted in 80% of Covid19 deaths and lockdown costs (see COGsUK)
4. But when France took similar measures due to our inaction, the mafia called this an attack on our sovereignty.

Is apathy about the export of dangerous pathogens a new plan to show British honesty and integrity?
5. The mafia lauded British science for identifying the "(not) English Virus"; an example of innovative post-Brexit Britain.

The same science (COGsUK) showed how a mafia majority cabinet negligently killed so many, spent so much.


6. The mafia led calls for non-vaccine Herd Immunity, or "Great Barrington Declaration".

They argued it was a virus or Economy.

But about the real economic problem - failure of Test and Isolate, and massive lockdown costs due to leaving borders open?

7. The mafia endorsed no controls on contracts overspent.

Shrugged at nepotistic useless appointments

Legislated for legalised bribes in Northern Ireland

Removed criminal negligence liability from Ministers.

Bribed their proxy press with payouts.
Every example above is available in Hansard or free press in references I've provided many times.

These are NOT the actions of a new global nation that wants to be Singapore.

Most carry a life (or death) sentence in Singapore.
Because Singapore knew great trading nations could not be built on corruption

That science and innovation are evidential, not fictional
That to win, independently, you need to be cleaner than clean.

(the legal system in Singapore that demonstrated integrity was inherited from?)
Independence, by definition, means standing on our own.

Our word, our promise, is our bond.

This is why the mafia and their proxy representatives that make up 75% of the Press are so dangerous and damaging to our future.
For four years they've led us on a merry #Brexit dance that has led to nothing but their gain and our cost and bureaucracy. When they promised the opposite

Unless, do you have those offshore funds, shorts on our economy, or speculate on our currency.?...]
They use the same Press to suppress' that story here.

I have personally listened to fiction dictated by offshore owners then printed as fact.

British Free Press is now down to 25% and falling...it's not there for you.

That's a fact.
Look it up, challenge me.
Our 'free press' is a 75% owned political ad machine.
If you think it's working in your self-interest, good luck, mainly...
because it doesn't work abroad...

There, like Singapore, our undistorted behaviour can be seen by everyone.

Unlike Singapore so can our lack of integrity

our dishonesty

our willingness to break international trade law to cover that behaviour

or just for cash
If you think that this underhand machine of self-serving leeches can build a bright future, then you have nothing to worry about.

But if so then you're already a member of the mafia.
Or the tax exile funding them.
Postscript 1

Does this feel all a bit political?
Hard for you to affect?

You have too little faith in yourself.

Progress is made by biting the hand that pretends to feed by stealing your lunch.

The 75% Press
On or offline
Try this.
Don't buy it or read it.
Never share it, even to screenshot

You've already helped.

Buy and share an alternative, you win.

Buy a small independent like @bylinetimes? You're an Angel (both meanings).
The alternative voices are all a bit lefty and socialist for you?

That is not an accidental view.

But have faith in your search ability. Plenty of middle or right indepedent voices.

You want politics free, apolitical facts?
Bloomberg or Reuters.

Search them out.
Or start a new voice.
Democratic honesty is the UNUSUAL state. Typical human nature is to push boundaries and corrupt.

Did we not see the banks in 2008?

A free press is our only counter to that sort of corruption everywhere.
We have seen, in a horribly short period, where press erosion leads and what it does to a country.

And yet every single one of us can reverse that. Even more quickly...

If we choose to.
Postscript 2
It's hard on Twitter to separate reality from the ravings of conspiracy theorists.

Every point in this thread has previously been demonstrated concerning legitimate sources, such as Hansard.
If you don't know or can't find these references or simply wish to dispute a point, let me know. I'll pull the source, gladly.

Because the first casualty in the war on our country is truth.
Postscript 3

If you'd like to geek out, or if you struggle to believe the degree of influence press distortion can have, you may enjoy this.

It's so obscure...which in this case helps to demonstrate the point.

How lightbulb hate became a thing.


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