I analyzed 25+ years of #Nifty data to better understand bear markets 🐻


Given the recent market sell-off and bearish stance of market participants, history and data is your best guide to prepare if we're headed for a bear market.

Thread with findings below 🧵👇

But first, do you know the definition of a bear market?

When any index falls 20% or more from it's all time high, it is termed to be in a #bearmarket 🐻

How do you calculate length of a bear market? The time duration in days from previous all-time high to market bottom.

🇮🇳 Nifty last 25 years (1997-2022*)

Number of Bear Markets = 8

Average drawdown % = -38.5%

Average bear market duration = 246 days (8 m)

Key takeaway - Bear markets occur every ~3 years and take on average 8 months to bottom

1997 and 2006 saw the fastest bear markets with Nifty correcting 20-30% in just ~1 month.

Unbelievably, 1997 had 2 bear markets! Just imagine suffering 20% drawdowns twice in a few months!

Mar 2020 Covid crash was the 3rd fastest and 3rd worst bear market.

Okay, how should we define Bear Market Recovery?

The no of days from market bottom to a new all-time high.

Sadly, bear markets take time to recover.

Almost double the time to recover to a new ATH compared to the time to form a bottom.

Avg recovery duration – 495 days

Every cloud has a silver lining.

495 days or 16 months is the avg bear market recovery duration but they have been as short as 78 days (1997) or 138 days (2006).

5 out of 8 bear markets recovered within 8 months

Takeaway – Most bear markets recover within a year
Bull Markets 🐂 have Bear Phases 🐻

We have all heard about 2003-07 bull market.

Nifty went ~7x in 5 years

April 2003 - 920
Jan 2008 - 6357

But even one of India's biggest bull markets had 2 bear markets in 2004 and 2006.

Bull markets never go up in a straight line.

Key Question - So do you need to wait ~3 years for a bear market to buy equities?

The answer to this question has gradually changed in the past 25 years.

Between 1997-2013, the market was in bear market territory every single year barring just 2 years.

You will hardly believe the next insight given how strong India's markets have been in the recent past.

But in a span of 17 years between 1997-2013, our markets spent close to ~50% time in bear market (20%+ decline) territory.

However, since 2013 🇮🇳 markets have been extremely resilient with just 2 bear markets in 9 years.

Complete opposite to above chart, Nifty has spent 50% time in last 9 years near ATHs.

And spent just 4% time in bear market territory

In the last 8.5 years, markets have corrected ~15% every other year and I cannot predict if the 25-30% frequent drawdowns between 1997-2013 will become the norm anytime soon.

So, 15%+ declines from ATH can be used as a good metric to increase equity allocation in my view.

This thread took me 15+ hours of research and writing, so please retweet if you find it useful.

I will create a separate thread for bear markets in small caps if this thread gets enough traction.

Summary and Learnings of last 25 years of Bear Markets in 🇮🇳👇

Bear Market Summary

1. 🐻 occurs every ~3 years and avg 8 months to bottom

2. 🇮🇳 has only seen 2 bear markets in last 9 years

3. 🐻 recoveries take double the time (16 months)

4. Bull 🐂 markets can have multiple 🐻 phases

5. Increase equity allocation on 15%+ declines


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1/ Feels like a good time to tell the story of how I went from broke to a millionaire to broke again in 2017/18 again...

Yesterday was brutal for some people...

Losing life-changing money sucks, losing any money sucks...you can chase the market or you can change your strategy.

2/ The original thread is gone but you can read it here.


- Traded $32k to $1.2m
- Thought I was a genius
- Made poor investments
- Didn't conserve capital
- Peaked at 150 BTC
- Lost nearly all of it

2 weeks from losing my house + no income. Oops.

3/ I am going to assume you are in it for the money rather than the tech. Yeah, you might Tweet about the amazing blockchaining of cross-border payments and oracles yadda yadda...really, you are in it to make money.

If you are really in it for the tech, go and build something.

4/ Okay, so if you want to make money, trading is super hard, you are trading against:
- Better traders than you
- People who can move markets
- Unknown information

And if you are trading with leverage you might blow up your account with the volatility.

5/ If you are not trading, you are investing. Okay, so what are you investing in?

I made the decision that the crypto with the best opportunity of existing in 10 years is #Bitcoin:
- Solves a genuine problem
- The right tech
- A proven track record

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