As has been widely reported, Sec. Pompeo is moving to designate the Houthis in #Yemen as a terrorist organization. I can’t stress enough how damaging that decision would be – but I’m going to try.



First, let’s say one thing plainly: the Houthis, like all parties in Yemen, have committed absolutely despicable acts. The victims and survivors of this conflict, including of the Houthis, deserve justice.

But a terrorism designation is not an instrument of justice or accountability. It is a political tool with financial and reputational repercussions for the designee and far-reaching consequences for others, particularly people in poverty

In #Yemen, those consequences depend on the mechanism for designation & licenses (exceptions) that are issued. ANY designation of Houthis will deal a blow to an economy whose collapse has already killed tens or hundreds of thousands

The US government needs to call off plans to designate the Houthis as a group. If they don’t, the best-case scenario is that they’re listed by Treasury, meaning they’d be subject to sanctions

In that case, licenses can be issued for humanitarian assistance and maybe even some commercial activities. Humanitarian funding (already low) will take a hit, & some banks will refuse to transfer funds or finance imports. This would impact the whole country, not just North

But in the worst-case – an FTO listing by State – many of these activities would just stop. Humanitarian aid in N. Yemen by US-based orgs and w/US funding would be effectively criminalized. Importers will face similar obstacles. No license or authorization wld be available 7/
This is b/c the extent of the Houthis’ control and the importance of public services make N. Yemen unique among places where we deliver aid. The designation work-arounds in place for Somalia, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria won’t help – to the extent they do work in those places

(it’s worth noting that in 2011, the USG’s failure to promptly issue licenses for humanitarian assistance substantially contributed to a famine that killed more than a quarter of a million Somalis) 9/
This is taking place just as Yemen is entering a new, dangerous period of food insecurity. Via @missyryan and @johnhudson, more than 47,000 additional people will be in famine-like conditions early next year – before a designation is taken into account 10/
This reduces the debate within the administration to an argument about whether it’s more prudent to play with matches or Molotov cocktails in a warehouse filled with TNT

What’s more, as @petersalisbury explains, a designation wouldn’t actually result in advancing any US goals with the Houthis (unless you count making nice to Gulf partners and boxing in a future administration)

The final analysis boils down to whether it’s worth sparking the largest famine in recent decades in order to engage in high-profile name-calling. There is a correct answer to that question.


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