Tips for giving students feedback on their work (avoiding add-ons) within Google Classroom

Please read, share and add more ideas.



Simply write a private comment next to their submission
This private comment could link them to a whole class feedback sheet and/or model answer that they need to read first.

You can make this on a google doc/slide and then paste the link into their private comments.

You can link different students to different links if needed
If you want all the class to look at your feedback doc then you can share it in the class stream.
If you've used a google doc for their work (see here )
you can type directly on to their work. You might want to do this in a different colour so it stands out.

Select 'edit' the document and type on to it

Students can then respond and resubmit
If you find yourself repeating the same feedback over & over you can use the comment bank.

Add comments that you what to be able to reuse.

These comments stay the same no matter which student/class you are using them with.
To use the comment bank, highlight the part of the work you want the comment to be linked to.

Click the + box

You can free type into this box or to use the comment bank....
...type the # key and your comments will appear below.

Start typing the beginning of the comment you know you have in your comment bank and comments will appear that have those letters in.

Select the comment you want
Press the comment button OR if you want more comments type the # again and you can keep adding comments

Use simple statements to feedback on the quality of student response. This can be with/without marks.

Think carefully what criteria make a ‘perfect’ piece of work and what the stages might be to get there.
I think the easiest way to make a rubric is by creating a google sheet of the criteria.

I used a template from here
however I edited it to give me more flexibility in what I wanted.

See a ‘copy of one of my examples here:
Once you've created the rubric you can then put it on to an assignment and once student have submitted the rubric appears in the private comments area

You just select which is the most appropriate for that student in that area of their work.
If you want to share the rubric with others then just share or make a copy of the google sheet & they can use it with their classes.

People can also share rubrics on social media for specific tasks or texts etc Just make sure you lock it & share for people to download/copy only
Using google forms is probably the easiest way to collect insights into student learning & give feedback however it deserves its own thread!

Make a form to find out what students 'know' &'understand' as a quiz.

You can then analyse common errors & set a task to address these.
Finally, I have to mention the Mote add-on @justmoteHQ
which @josephkinnaird showed me.

It records a short snip of you speaking in which you can give feedback. Here is Joe's thread on how you could use it.

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"I really want to break into Product Management"

make products.

"If only someone would tell me how I can get a startup to notice me."

Make Products.

"I guess it's impossible and I'll never break into the industry."


Courtesy of @edbrisson's wonderful thread on breaking into comics – – here is why the same applies to Product Management, too.

There is no better way of learning the craft of product, or proving your potential to employers, than just doing it.

You do not need anybody's permission. We don't have diplomas, nor doctorates. We can barely agree on a single standard of what a Product Manager is supposed to do.

But – there is at least one blindingly obvious industry consensus – a Product Manager makes Products.

And they don't need to be kept at the exact right temperature, given endless resource, or carefully protected in order to do this.

They find their own way.

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