Thought I'd put a thread together of some resources & people I consider really valuable & insightful for anyone considering or just starting out on their @SorareHQ journey. It's by no means comprehensive, this community is super helpful so no offence to anyone I've missed off...
- @SorareHub
- @SiegeTheDay23 (also knows his Asian football)
- @TheFootballEco
Can really help formulate your squad building for targeting particular divisions
@Football_MDJ THE Sorare blogger, v helpful & balanced insights
@FiGenesis French football - he's definitely got it covered 🇫🇷
@javeerdesu Great Youtube intro vid (more content pls mate)
@sorarefraser Pressures on now to get the fridge magnets in production...
More from Tech
2. And @RepKenBuck, who offered a thoughtful Third Way report on antitrust law in 2020, weighed in quite reasonably on Biden antitrust frameworks.
3. I believe this change is sincere because it's so pervasive and beginning to result in real policy changes. Example: The North Dakota GOP is taking on Apple's app store.
Republican North Dakota legislators have introduced #SB2333, a bill that prohibits large tech companies from locking their users into a single app store or payment processor.
— Cory Doctorow #BLM (@doctorow) February 11, 2021
4. And yet there's a problem. The GOP establishment is still pro-big tech. Trump, despite some of his instincts, appointed pro-monopoly antitrust enforcers. Antitrust chief Makan Delrahim helped big tech, and the antitrust case happened bc he was recused.
5. At the other sleepy antitrust agency, the Federal Trade Commission, Trump appointed commissioners
@FTCPhillips and @CSWilsonFTC are both pro-monopoly. Both voted *against* the antitrust case on FB. That case was 3-2, with a GOP Chair and 2 Dems teaming up against 2 Rs.
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Here's how I'd measure the health of any tech company:
— Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror) October 25, 2018
How long, as measured from the inception of idea to the modified software arriving in the user's hands, does it take to roll out a *1 word copy change* in your primary product?
Hiring efficiency:
How long does it take, measured from initial expression of interest through offer of employment signed, for a typical candidate cold inbounding to the company?
What is the *theoretical minimum* for *any* candidate?
How long does it take, as a developer newly hired at the company:
* To get a fully credentialed machine issued to you
* To get a fully functional development environment on that machine which could push code to production immediately
* To solo ship one material quanta of work
How long does it take, from first idea floated to "It's on the Internet", to create a piece of marketing collateral.
(For bonus points: break down by ambitiousness / form factor.)
How many people have to say yes to do something which is clearly worth doing which costs $5,000 / $15,000 / $250,000 and has never been done before.
1 - open trading view in your browser and select stock scanner in left corner down side .
2 - touch the percentage% gain change ( and u can see higest gainer of today)
Making thread \U0001f9f5 on trading view scanner by which you can select intraday and btst stocks .
— Vikrant (@Trading0secrets) October 22, 2021
In just few hours (Without any watchlist)
Some manual efforts u have to put on it.
Soon going to share the process with u whenever it will be ready .
"How's the josh?"guys \U0001f57a\U0001f3b7\U0001f483
3. Then, start with 6% gainer to 20% gainer and look charts of everyone in daily Timeframe . (For fno selection u can choose 1% to 4% )
4. Then manually select the stocks which are going to give all time high BO or 52 high BO or already given.
5. U can also select those stocks which are going to give range breakout or already given range BO
6 . If in 15 min chart📊 any stock sustaing near BO zone or after BO then select it on your watchlist
7 . Now next day if any stock show momentum u can take trade in it with RM
This looks very easy & simple but,
U will amazed to see it's result if you follow proper risk management.
I did 4x my capital by trading in only momentum stocks.
I will keep sharing such learning thread 🧵 for you 🙏💞🙏
Keep learning / keep sharing 🙏