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This exactly. I think the 8 and fullback roles in this system share quite a lot of common attributes, even forgetting how Bielsa looks to hybrid them in 3-3-1-3. No wonder that we've seen Dallas, Shackleton, Gotts etc play both. And these roles play to Dallas' strengths.
— Jacob Standbridge (@PocketTrumpeter) February 13, 2021
A lot of people think Struijk isn't good enough in the build-up phase. Well, what does the DM do in build-up?
Here's a passing network from last season:

As you can see, Phillips' role in the Championship last season was largely facilitating build up in the wide area (on the left interestingly).
Per Wyscout, Phillips is putting up a figure of 7.03 long passes per 90 minutes and completes around 59%. Last season he was making 6.94 long passes per 90 mins at around 52%.
Per dribbles he's putting up similar numbers across both seasons (between 1 and 1.5 p90) and per duels he's putting up the same number (20 p90).
All of this suggests his role hasn't changed much over the last couple of seasons.
It's a relegation playoff between CD Universidad & Colo Colo it has all of Chile holding it's breath. (THREAD)

It's all because the away side is Colo Colo, the country's biggest, most successful club, with 32 titles & the only Chilean Copa Libertadores trophy.
They have never even come close to relegation & the sheer thought of going down is causing all kinds of scenes across the country

From the ritualistic Grandma's doing their bit to convince the football sprits to keep them in the top
The rituals to keep Colo-Colo in top flight have begun.
— Colo-Colo in English (@CaciqueENG) February 15, 2021
To the 5,000 fans outside who awaited the team bus outside the training ground for one last motivational
Bus carrying Colo-Colo team to Talca took off some time ago. This was filmed by forward Javier Parraguez. Chillz, literal chillz...
— Colo-Colo in English (@CaciqueENG) February 16, 2021
This is what Colo-Colo means in Chile. VAMOS CACIQUE! \U0001f5a4\U0001f62d
And of course the club's Barra Bravas with their own take on motivation
Colo Colo - Chile's most successful club - are one game away from the first relegation in their 96-year history. Their ultras today put up a banner outside the club's stadium: "They win or we kill them."
— Colin Millar (@Millar_Colin) February 16, 2021