For instance, Wilt Chamberlain benched 465 lbs at 59 years old. Arnold Schwarzenegger says he benched 500 lbs on the set of Conan the Destroyer
Aight. Here’s my favorite 2 stories about Bill Russell.
Both stories reveal how much of a humble human being he is. And one blows my mind because it dismantles what we think about the evolution of sports.
A thread:
Where is the thread? Love when you give us your take on these players. The KC Jones piece was outstanding. Had no idea.
— Bweasey (@Bweasey) December 27, 2020
For instance, Wilt Chamberlain benched 465 lbs at 59 years old. Arnold Schwarzenegger says he benched 500 lbs on the set of Conan the Destroyer
I think they’re both wrong.
Well let me tell you a story:
During this time, pros weren’t allowed in the Olympics, so the International Olympic Committee tried to say that he was ineligible since he had already signed with the Celtics, even though he hadn’t played yet
But if they would have stopped Russell from playing for the US basketball team, he would have STILL been in the Olympics.
Because Bill Russell was one of the greatest high jumpers I. The world.
He didn’t have to come to practice.
At the time, high-jumpers didn’t have those big air cushions for people to land on. They actually had sand pits just like the long jump.
Johnny had previously jumped 6’5”, and had been competing against Russell since high school
He beat them.
But he kept telling the officials to raise the bar. After he got to 6’10”, everyone at the track meet stopped running and gathered around—not because he was Bill Russell, there was another reason:
So the officials said: “wait... if you’re gonna break a world record, we need to measure the height instead of using these notches.” Again, he had ALREADY WON. Plus, he had a basketball injury, so Russell said “I’m good” and went home
Withers agreed but told Russell that he didn’t perform anymore so he’d have to find someone to sing it. Russell called his old high jump rival Johnny.
You may have heard of him, though.
Some guy named Johnny Mathis
That something was racism.
Remember, a lot of people were mad because he had just led a majority-black starting five NCAA basketball team to a championship. He was also the first black Tournament Most Outstanding Player
But Russell went. And he was mad.
They both tied for 6’9 and a quarter inches and agreed to share the title.
But there is a story that’s not told by the official measurements.
After the official scores were recorded, Russell turns to a ref and says:
Bill just wanted to see if one of them could do the impossible.
Dumas tried it and failed three times. He didn’t even come close.
STOP LAUGHING AT CHARLIE! Did I mention that no one had ever done this IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD?
On the first two tries, he got over, but his knee hit the bar on his way down.
On the third try, he cleared the bar, barely touching it with his ankle. The bar stayed there for a minute, but rolled down.
Bill Russell was a TERRIBLE HIGH JUMPER!
Dude didn’t know how to do the Saddle Roll. He was out there tying the best high jumper in the world with NO TECHNIQUE.
He was literally HURDLING THE BAR
Dumas didn’t become a singer but he still got to hang out with Russell at the olympics. Russell didn’t invite him, though.
A few weeks later, at the Olympic trials, Charles Dumas became the first man on earth to jump seven feet.
Dumas would win the would win gold at the olympics with a jump of 6’11”
Again, I might need to remind you: I don’t care who you regard as the “best” nba player. One thing is undisputed:
He won 11 NBA championships
2 NCAA titles
And an Olympic gold medal
Because Bill Russell refused to call himself a Hall of Farmer for 45 years.
The interesting thing about this, is that he would never say why. And then last year, he just started doing it. He didn’t hold a press conference
So he started wearing his ring.
Chuck Cooper didn’t play with Russell. He only scored 6 points per game. They are not related.
So, who is Chuck Cooper?
More from michaelharriot
But don’t take @ambermruffin’s word for it. You should get references...
A thread
How did systemic racism get so dang strong? Find out a few of the like bajilliondy ways in our new segment, How Did We Get Here!
— amber ruffin (@ambermruffin) January 30, 2021
How homes in Black neighborhoods are undervalued by $156
Every major bank in the US has been sued for mortgage discrimination and a study that included every mortgage in America found that Banks charge higher interest rates to nonblack customers
Baltimore redlined areas in 1935 vs Baltimore Drug arrests in 2016
A thread.
Maybe a smart person on American Twitter will see this and respond with facts.
— Jay Makinze | Nigerian Yute, #EndSARS \u277c (@Mr_Teekay) November 9, 2020
Why do democrats fight against Voter ID laws?
Do people just walk around & live their lives without a form of identification?
If yes, how do they live?
If no, why the fuss to show ID to vote?
1. Would you agree to a law that required you to get a blood test every time you used the bathroom?
How about a law that required you to slice one millimeter off your penis every time you used ketchup?
I bet you’re thinking “But those laws have no point.”
Every single large-scale peer reviewed study ever conducted says voter fraud does not exist on a meaningful scale.
Dating back to 1982, there have been less than 500 prosecutions. If we multiplied that by the literal billions of votes cast...
There are LITERALLY more people who claim to be abducted by aliens than there are convictions for in-person voter fraud (Seriously, there was a
When Richard Hasen, a law professor and author of the 2012 book “The Voting Wars” looked at 30 years of data in search of voter fraud changing the outcome of an election, he couldn’t find a single instance
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Funny there are those who think these migrant caravans were a FANTASTIC idea that's going to take the immigration issue away from you.
— Brian Cates (@drawandstrike) November 26, 2018
Like several weeks watching a rampaging horde storm the fences & throw rocks at our border patrol agents & getting gassed = great optics!
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