Compared to white people:
*Black-owned homes devalued 23%
*Black-owned property taxes 13% higher
*Bank fees 2x higher for black customers
*Black-owned biz closed at twice the rate in pandemic
*Black people w/ NO criminal record earn $10k less than white people w/ criminal record

Sources on all that
1. Homes devalued
2. Property taxes
3. Bank fees
4. Small business closures
5. Pay/criminal record comparison
*Black college grads have 50% less wealth than white high school dropouts
*Top 10 most-audited counties are 79% people of color
*Black-white homeowner gap is bigger now than 120 years ago
*Electoral college gives white people 16% more voting power than Black people
Sources on that:
1. College/high school dropout wealth gap:

2. Most audited counties:

3. Homeownership gap

4. Electoral college
*All Black Americans combined have half the wealth of richest 400 ppl
*White ppl get inheritance at 3x the rate of Black ppl
*Black college grads have $25k more in student debt than white grads
*Black families have $166k less wealth than white families, more than pre-Civil Rights
Sources on that
*Black wealth total:
*Student loan debt:
*Wealth gap:
*Black-owned businesses get 3% of all biz loans
*Black unemployed workers get unemployment benefits at half the rate of white workers
*Black people own 1% of all stocks
*Net worth of older Millennials with a college degree: 10x higher for white grads than Black grads
Sources on that
*Black-owned business loans
*Unemployment benefits gap
*Black-owned stocks
*Millennial college grad net worth comparison
*Since the Civil War/slavery ended, Black families have gone from holding 0.5% of all wealth to 1.5%
*Black ppl are 4x more likely than white ppl to be arrested for marijuana
*Where it's legal, black people own 4% of cannabis businesses
*0% of Fortune 500 CEOs are black women
Sources on that
*Marijuana arrests
*Cannabis business owners
*Fortune 500 CEOs
*Black wealth "growth"
*Scooter startup Bird got more funding than all Black women startups combined last year
*Black sons of ppl in the richest 1% are arrested at same rate as white sons of ppl in poorest third
*20 years after college, white students have 5% of loan left vs 95% left for Black students
Sources on that
*Startup funding
*Arrest rates by parents' wealth
*Student loan payoff rate
*Black students are 2.5x likelier than white students to be arrested at school after controlling for poverty
*1950: black men made 51 cents for every $1 white men made. Now: 51 cents
*Corporate stock buybacks/dividends in last 15 years benefited white ppl 72x more than Black ppl
Sources on that
*Student arrest rates
*Stock buyback/dividend gap
*Male income gap unchanged in 70 years:
*Americans think Black people have 90% of the wealth white people do. It's actually 10%
*Black homeowners are still 5x more likely to be in old redlined areas, 50 years after redlining was outlawed
*Facial recognition is 100x more likely to misidentify black faces than white ones
Sources on that
*Wealth gap perception vs reality
*Redlining still exists today
*Facial recognition bias
whoops - broke the thread. Continues here

More from Society

I’ll address every nonsense argument and lie used to defend the suicidal gender ideology Thats in vogue today:

3:45 - “So what if you don’t have gametes?”

It’s called a birth defect. You’re still male or female.

~5:00 *nonsense trying to say the sexes of seahorses could be swapped coz male carry the eggs*

male doesn’t produce eggs, he produces the sperm. He’s still the male. If I impregnated a chick then carried the amniotic sac in a backpack ‘til the baby was done I’ll still be male🤦‍♂️

5:10 - we could say there’s 4 sexes of fruit fly cause there’s 3 producers of different sized sperm

No. They’re still producing sperm. They’re males. This is idiotic. Is this whole video like this? (Probably. 99% likely. Abandon hope.)

~6:10 - hermaphroditism and sequential hermaphroditism exists therefore....

No. Some animals being hermaphrodites, which is meaningless w/o the existence of binary sex to contrast it to, still doesn’t make gender ideology or transgenderism valid.

Intersex ≠ transgenderism 🙄

6:20 - bilateral gynandromorphism is a disorder in some species (not in humans). Has nothing to do w/ “gender” or transgenderism.

Ova-testes in humans are also a disorder, usually found in those w/ the karyotype disorders that you ppl also try to appropriate (extra X’s/Y’s).

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