@TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 This grew out of control but here it is...

I grew up with a fundamental Christian mother and a "Catholic" father who didn't practice. We rarely went to church except for a couple of years when I was 10-14. During that time I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior (11) at a

@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 Baptist Church. For a couple years I was a "good" christian and read my Bible and went to Sunday school. Then when I was 15ish we didn't go much anymore and I was what is known as a "luke warm" Christian until I got to College experimented with alcohol, drugs and girls a lot.
@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 I college I learned a lot of science including evolution. After a couple of years of that I found a nice girl and started to practice my own fundamental Christian beliefs separate from any organization. This was when I was the most emersed in my faith. I didn't listen to
@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 secular music. I read my Bible with some help of fundamental websites to get through the tough parts but never gave up my scientific knowledge. After a divorce and a career change to pharmacy school, a new wife and job my faith faded again.
@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 One day at work (emergency department). We had a 3 month old come in, cardiac arrest. We did everything we could for an hour but there was no getting them back. It wasn't the first or last time I've had a child die at work but this was different for me.
@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 This was the child's 1st day at daycare. It was the mothers first day away from her new baby and she wasn't even able to make it to the hospital in time to say goodbye before we stopped. This shook my faith right off its foundation. I remember Googling things
@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 like "what is God" and "is there a God". I started watching religious debates on youtube because I figured I should hear what the experts are saying instead of reinventing the wheel. I started to consider myself and atheist about a year after that child die that day.
@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 After that I became a fan of Hitchens, Harris, Dennett, Dawkins, and the Atheist Experience. I was a pretty vocal lacktheist until I met @answersinreason. That's when I started down the road of philosophy and fell in love with it.
@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 @answersinreason Recently @realatheology has got me interested in philosophy of religion again and I'm now reading Oppy in my spare time.

@LordBryant454 @TheJimMajors @smutterbutter41 @FaithlessPheas1 @GoblinQChesh @MorganHanne @retep57 @amca1975 @EboiLeon1 @ardenking55 @answersinreason @RealAtheology @threadreaderapp unroll

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