Why are some Hindu RW handles praising Gandhi? Read following 3 slides.

They are offered mainly 2 my liberal friends, who do not yet realise, how Gandhi will be deified again, as an exemplar of Hindu thought, to annihilate Dr B R Ambedkar, & bring back a redefined secularism.

India’s Right Wing intellectuals, both on the economic right & left, liberal or orthodox, secular or Hindutvawadi, have long sought to discredit Arundhati Roy, as an outdated Marxist.

So the third slide is addressed to these denizens. I will let her speak 4 herself.
Ambedkar in his life time never trusted the communists. In a famous quip on Mumbai’s communists, he held they were mostly Brahmins from Konkan, more bothered about Brahmin wages in the textile mills, than the plight of Dalits. One couldn’t expect anything better from them.
Trust me, the most credible defence of the caste system comes from Gandhi, who was forced to think deep about it, after being challenged by Ambedkar. It was Gandhi, who scuttled a separate electorate for Dalits with a fast-unto-death in Pune, which culminated in the Poona Pact.

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