1. The PURGE - so it begins. They took Parler down and then started the Twitter purge. Parler was hacked about the same time it was being brought down. They successfully dismantled the largest group of patriots and without one main platform, 70+ million people are scattered.

2. China did this same thing to the Falun Gong when they reached about 80 million members. They had to break up this group for fear they would be able to take on the CCP. They criminalized the Falun Gong and started rounding up those that "illegally" produced printed materials.
3. They want us divided & separated. They want us not to communicate or care anymore.

Falun Gong was a peaceful movement. It was a Chinese practice of martial arts and spiritual discipline that is centered on peace and self-improvement.
4. So why did the Chinese government viciously crack down on it? Because the FG opposed communism and they grew too large. The CCP had to stop it for fear of the movement taking over the gov.
The CCP created a propaganda campaign against this group. They called them a cult.
5. Please do not tell me Steve Bannon started this group bc he did not. They were around for decades before, but were banned and censored by the CCP. They support anti-communist like Bannon bc they were oppressed and punished so badly by their own country.
6. The Epoch Times broke the story about organ harvesting of Falun Gong practioners in 2006.

Thats correct. They government harvested the organs of healthy FG followers and killed many innocent people. A large scale massacre has been going on.
Look up Harvested Alive on yt.
7. Another movie I highly recommend is Letter from Masanjia. Its one mans account of his experience in the CCP work camp.
8. We must stay together and in contact w one another. We must stand up for those patriot groups being oppressed and labeled as hate groups.
WE CAN NOT BE SILENT or we end up being labeled as a heretical cult, sent to reeducation camps or massacred, like the Falun Gong.
9. Dont think it wont happen here? They first labeled Police as racists, then the Proud Boys, then the 3% group, then the Oathkeepers (former LE and military)... who is next?
There plan is to eliminate these groups using "white supremacists" or "racists" propaganda.
10. They are labeling and suppressing groups with the most members and the most likely to stand up for freedom first.
Just look at how they went after National Guard and military members who support Trump or these groups.
They are not just attacking FREE SPEECH anymore.
11. This is a coordinated attack to take down 70 million people through any means possible.
@threadreaderapp please unroll.

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