#Shouldn't you rather thank God first, than start with Prayer Points?

God frowns at ingratitude.

Make no mistakes, no one makes progress with ingratitude

The passage below is proof that God frowns at it👇🏼

Luke 17:16 MSG
He kneeled at Jesus' feet, so grateful. He couldn't thank him enough - and he was a Samaritan.
Luke 17:17 Jesus said, "Were not 10 healed? Where are d 9?

V17 is the PUNCHLINE.
Yes, to many, d New Year is just like any other day & to others, it's a special time.
Be that as it may, it would be a great deed to start with Thanksgiving and then follow-up with directions for the year.

*Let me tell you what I do daily.

When I wake up each morning, I am deliberate about Thanksgiving. I thank God for at least One Hour without interrupting
the session with Prayer Points. After the One Hour Thanksgiving Session, I can then switch to prayer points etc.

God has never stopped being good, we've just stopped being grateful.

Thanksgiving never cease because, blessings never cease

You must realize that Ingratitude
stinks and It is easily noticed & conspicuous. It makes the one who is behind your smile to withdraw.

It's been God through the years and Apostle Paul wrote in
Acts 26v22a GNB
But to this very day I have been helped by God.
1. We will not just move on like nothing happened.Thank Him
2. You must make a big deal of everything God did for you.
3. Be Thankful for every sign of progress; no matter how small.
4. Gratitude increases your self-esteem.
5. Thanksgiving is proof we have not lost our memory
6. When we give thanks it is because we recognize the source of our blessings..
7. When giving thanks, we cannot afford to offer it in moderation to the Almighty.
8. The way we show appreciation can trigger more from the same source.
9. If you fail to acknowledge what God has done now, who will help us again.
10. Many are grounded today because they take for granted d little mercies of God.
11. Not to give glory to God is to cut short d supplies
12. thank you is what qualifies u for the next act of favor.
13. A man who does not give thanks will never make progress.
14.Thanksgiving unexpressed is Thanksgiving unappreciated.
15.Thanksgiving must b deliberately cultivated.
17.Thanksgiving is an application for more.
Job 1:10 MSG
Why, no one ever had it so good! You pamper him like a pet, make sure nothing bad ever happens to him or his family or his possessions, bless everything he does - he can't lose!

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