Rebirth is highly against Abrahmic religions

I want all my Muslim and Christian Brothers to Read till end…

In Islam and Christianity , there is only one Life and then there is either Eternal Hell Or Eternal Heaven. But it has lots of paradoxes and difficult to Convince +

1. Suppose a Good Person had died in 1500AD, and a Bad Person dies in 2022 AD

There’s no date mentioned for Qayamat/ Judgement Day, only Symptoms are Given

Say Qayamat is in 2030AD

So the Good Person waits in Grave for 530Years BUT the Bad Person wait time only 8Yrs,Not Fair+
2. People who Died Before 1BC were neither Christians Nor Muslims, so whether Good Or Bad, all of them Reached only Hell, Not Fair

3. I am a Bad person, but he is 100 Times Bad, Both will Get eternal Hell. I am Good and he is 100x Good, both Eternal Heaven, Not Fair +
4. Wine and Women are Sin on Earth , but both Wine and Women are abundant in Heaven, Not Fair

5. A Human is a Born Sinner, even when he hasn’t even uttered a Word, or even moved his hand, Not Fair

These 5 Points let’s Examine with a Rationale as to what Sanatan Dharma Says +
1. Life is Cyclical, Aatma Enters one Sharir to Another, One Yoni to Another as per Guna-Karma

2. After a specified time of Death Aatma enjoys its good deeds and repents for its bad deeds only till the Karma Phala Lasts. It is Not Eternal.
Eternal Sukha is only for the Liberated Aatma thru Moksha

3. Aatma which doesn’t have Genitls or Stomach or Tongue or Nose to Enjoy the delicacies what will it do with Women and Wine. The transcendental time is Just experiential.

4. A child Born is Deva Swaroop Pure & Sinless+
It is thru this life Samaskar that he /she attains this world experience and it’s the Previous Birth Impressions and Knowledge that Boosts his Abilities. That’s why sometime you see toddlers speak in Foreign language Or Master Skills which are far ahead of His/Her Age. +
5. Eternal Hell and Heaven is contrary to an efficient Control Sytem or a well designed machinery that must have Input, Processing, Output, Feedback & Loop

Creator is of Ultimate Logic and Design and whatever it will create will be Logical and Scientific

More from RapperPandit ↗️ ॐ

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