#RADICO -855
If it creat strong base 834(4.618%)
than stock may move higher and find new orbit
In that case upside 952-1214-1508)
Base case 671.
More from MaRkET WaVES (DINESH PATEL ) Stock Market FARMER
#LTI -4614
Probability towards 4.618% and beyond..
Probability towards 4.618% and beyond..
#LTI -4145
— MaRkET WaVES (DINESH PATEL ) Stock Market FARMER (@idineshptl) July 14, 2021
Near term base Case (4024)
Look for 4.618% and 6.857%
Long term perspective Fibonacci extension shown in chart. #Perspective pic.twitter.com/Pyl0aGYIuS
More from Radico
#RadicoKhaitan - Concall Snippet !
ROCE GENERATION of 20-25% In Coming Qtrs !
(Weekend Is Coming😏) https://t.co/vQw9N2UFgZ
ROCE GENERATION of 20-25% In Coming Qtrs !
(Weekend Is Coming😏) https://t.co/vQw9N2UFgZ
#TataCoffee - Concall Snippet !
— Raghav Chaudhary (@MrRChaudhary) July 29, 2021
Expects Margin Expansion in India Coffee.
(Only For Educational Purpose) pic.twitter.com/Dcd6uW7l0R
whenever above this level further chart update with Fibonacci extension.
whenever above this level further chart update with Fibonacci extension.
#RADICO -742.30
— Waves_Perception(Dinesh Patel) \u092e\u0948\u0902Schedule Tribes) (@idineshptl) June 7, 2021
Best thing happened on chart is
High 2007(219.50)
Low 2020(220)
0.50 paise differance. And now at 742..abf going on.. #Wave principle pic.twitter.com/zV8WA9WfGK
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A small tribute/gift to members
technical screeners - intraday and positional both
before proceeding - i have helped you , can i ask you so that it can help someone else too
thank you
positional one
run - find #stock - draw chart - find levels
1- Stocks closing daily 2% up from 5 days
2- Weekly breakout
3- Breakouts in short term
4- Bullish from last 5
intraday screeners
5- 15 minute Stock Breakouts
6- Intraday Buying seen in the past 15 minutes
7- Stocks trading near day's high on 5 min chart with volume BO intraday
Thank you
A small tribute/gift to members
technical screeners - intraday and positional both
before proceeding - i have helped you , can i ask you so that it can help someone else too
thank you
positional one
run - find #stock - draw chart - find levels
1- Stocks closing daily 2% up from 5 days
2- Weekly breakout
3- Breakouts in short term
4- Bullish from last 5
intraday screeners
5- 15 minute Stock Breakouts
6- Intraday Buying seen in the past 15 minutes
7- Stocks trading near day's high on 5 min chart with volume BO intraday
Thank you
@franciscodeasis https://t.co/OuQaBRFPu7
Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the
chimeric infectious clone grants were there.https://t.co/DAArwFkz6v is in 2017, Rs4231.
https://t.co/UgXygDjYbW is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16.
https://t.co/krO69CsJ94 is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project
starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".
P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016!
https://t.co/4wC7k1Lh54 Ref 3: Why ALL your pangolin samples were PCR negative? to avoid deep sequencing and accidentally reveal Paguma Larvata and Oryctolagus Cuniculus?
Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the
chimeric infectious clone grants were there.https://t.co/DAArwFkz6v is in 2017, Rs4231.
https://t.co/UgXygDjYbW is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16.
https://t.co/krO69CsJ94 is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project
starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".
P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016!
https://t.co/4wC7k1Lh54 Ref 3: Why ALL your pangolin samples were PCR negative? to avoid deep sequencing and accidentally reveal Paguma Larvata and Oryctolagus Cuniculus?