Psychology Of Procrastination And Tips to Tackle Them.

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1. Perfectionist's Fear.

- Procrastination is the subconscious fear of failure.

- If you put off a task long enough, then you don't have to face up to the potential negative results.

- Don't stick to getting minor things 'just right', it causes delay in continuing the task.
How To Tackle:

- Try visualizing the completion of your task in the positive way.

- Understand perfection is a myth.

- Put in your best effort and realize that's all you can do.
2. Dreamer's Lack Of Action.

- Person who is highly creative and has many brilliant ideas but can't put them to action.

- This happens as there is no goal setting involved after the idea has been created.

- Aimless approach manifests lack of decision making and delays.
How To Tackle:

- Once you have an idea, write down a timeline of what you want to achieve and by when.

- Do this daily to keep yourself on track and accountable.
3. Overwhelmed Avoider.

- A task might be overwhelming to do, which causes you to procrastinate.

- Complexity of a task causes the brain to lose motivation and avoids doing it altogether.

How To Tackle:

- Break the challenge down into smaller tasks and Tackle individually.
4. Busy Bee Who Lacks Prioritization.

- You may have too many tasks and you miss to acknowledge differing importance of each task.

- Time is wasted on switching from one task to other or spending too much time deciding what to do.

- Even while multitasking, things gets mixed.
How To Tackle:

- It's all about priorities. Choose important tasks over urgent ones.

- Make sure to question the value and purpose of each task and make a list in order of importance.
5. The Distraction-Prone.

- Distraction is another cause for procrastination.

- Our brains aren't wired to focus for long periods of time and it looks for something else.
How To Tackle:

- Be mindful of your workspace and potential distractions.

- Work for 20-30 minutes at a time and then take a 5 minute break.
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1. IQ is one of the most heritable psychological traits – that is, individual differences in IQ are strongly associated with individual differences in genes (at least in fairly typical modern environments).

2. The heritability of IQ *increases* from childhood to adulthood. Meanwhile, the effect of the shared environment largely fades away. In other words, when it comes to IQ, nature becomes more important as we get older, nurture less.

3. IQ scores have been increasing for the last century or so, a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect. (N ≈ 4 million)

(Note that the Flynn effect shows that IQ isn't 100% genetic; it doesn't show that it's 100% environmental.)

4. IQ predicts many important real world outcomes.

For example, though far from perfect, IQ is the single-best predictor of job performance we have – much better than Emotional Intelligence, the Big Five, Grit, etc.

5. Higher IQ is associated with a lower risk of death from most causes, including cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, most forms of cancer, homicide, suicide, and accident. (N = 728,160)