/1 This is a chronicle of @RepTedBudd's twitter feed since the election. He tweeted more than 25 times about the lack of election integrity and continued to push a LIE of voter fraud in support of Trump's narrative the election was stolen. It's a long thread.

/2 However, Budd never once said anything about the exhaustive court cases that never found any fraud. Budd sent a letter to AG Barr to investigate. Barr saw no need to do so and saw no evidence of widespread fraud. Yet, Budd refused to even mention this fact.
/4 Why would you ask someone to look into something but refuse to acknowledge that they told you there's nothing to see? Because your agenda is to sow doubt in a free and fair election. The effects exploded on Jan 6th when the insurrectionists tried to stop the Electoral count.
/5 We must hold these men and women accountable. They are dangerous and now people are dead because of them.
/6 - On Nov 7th, Budd starts with there is nothing wrong with making sure all legal votes are counted. This post makes you think there were illegal votes cast.
/7 - On Nov 9th Budd tweeted 2 comments building his propaganda that if we can spend two years on Russia collusions and then tweets that AG Barr is looking into the "Allegations"
/8 - On Nov 13th, he retweets Rep. Bill Posey's letter to AG Barr to investigate election software and hardware.
/9 - On Nov 13th, he does a video attacking Democrats saying they don't want to admit that Trump has the right to investigate Voter Fraud (this tweet is designed to make you think there is fraud.)
/10 - On Nov 18th, he brags about introducing a bill to combat voter fraud once and for all. (psst that bill died in the 116th Congress)
/11 - On Nov 19th, he retweets the Koch Brother's Heritage foundation - who I might add is famous for their own false propaganda. The articled uses trigger words like "every vote must count" and "patriots." Well every vote was counted. @JoeBiden won.
/12 - Budd must have decided to take off for Thanksgiving. He didn't tweet until Dec 2nd - he retweets Rep. Warren Davidson bemoaning AG Barr must ID, prosecute, and correct the fraud of 2020. (Again no Fraud)
/13 - On Dec 3rd, he retweeted the right wing pod-cast Blunt Force Truth thanking him for being on their pod-cast and hoping he has a speedy recovery from #Covid19.

I wished him a speedy recovery, he didn't retweet it. I wonder why?
/14 On Dec 4th, while he's suppose to be recovering from #Covid19 - he's pushing Rep. LaMalfa's bill to "count all legal votes." More false flag comments that the election was fraudulent.
/15 On Dec 9th, Budd is saying the DOJ needs to listen to #WethePeople claiming they have concerns, and how he is glad another house member is joining his #SeditionCaucus. More false narratives supporting Trump's claim of election fraud.
/16 On Dec 11th, now Budd is claiming there are millions of Americans do not have faith in the election. #ComeOnTed for the last month you've pushed propaganda that there is fraud. You're stoking the Trump Lies.
/17 Again on Dec 11th, you tweet saying #SCOTUS should hear the Texas Case. Psst they refused to hear the case. What happened to your big "States Rights" position? Why are you interfering in other states?
/18 On Dec 18th, Budd is bragging how proud he is to support Rep. Mo Brooks that Congress hold hearings before Jan 6th. He signed the letter.
/19 On Dec 22nd, He urges his fellow Republican NC Rep's to join his seditious fight for the Constitution and election integrity. Why didn't he ask Democrat's to join? Foxx, Bishop, Murphy, Rouzer, Hudson and Cawthorn joined the #NC #SeditiousSeven and #SeditiousCaucus
/20 On Dec 22nd, Budd proudly brags "Yes, I plan to object on January 6th." He said millions saw what I saw. #ComeonTed - What did you see Budd? It was a fair election. No Fraud. Still supporting Trump's lies.
/21 On Dec 30th, he is sending thanks to Sen. Hawley for joining the fight. Pushing the Trump Lies. Pouring more gas on the #WeThePeople claims of voter fraud.
/22 On Dec 31st, he's tweeting about how their cause has went from the few liars to many more liars. Great to see it #wethepeople.
/23 On Jan 2nd, bragging about adding more major muscle. He's just adding more Trumpet's who are pushing the lie of election fraud. There was no election fraud. 60 Court cases were denied due to lack of evidence.
/24 On Jan 4th, Budd is attacking Democrats for not supporting election integrity. Claiming hypocrisy. Even wrote a letter. Where is his letter to Sen. Mitch McConnell for refusing to bring to a vote the House bills to protect our election integrity. Such hyprocrisy

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🌺श्री गरुड़ पुराण - संक्षिप्त वर्णन🌺

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