Okay, let’s do this. A thread.

1. Donald Trump is *an* anti-Christ. He has twisted, perverted, & manipulated the Christian Faith. He has sowed seeds of discord & has nurtured profound disunity in the body of Christ & even garnered the support of prominent Christian leaders...

2. We keep talking about how he is power hungry, how he’s a Narcissist, & about how he is immoral; but we aren’t naming this stuff using the various categories scripture gives us when dealing with someone like Trump. The man is an “anti-Christ” (notice I said “an” & not “THE”).
3. He hasn’t just garnered the praise of right-wing Christian Nationalists who’ve never championed orthodoxy or the gospel; he has also garnered the unwavering support & affirmation of prominent preachers & theologians who only a few years ago declared him evil.
4. We too quickly dismiss this almost hypnotic power Trump has over otherwise respectable Christian leaders as if it’s natural; we have 3 options.

1. He has something on them.
2. They are just power hungry.
3. There is some dark hypnotic power Trump has.

Maybe it’s all 3. 🤷🏽‍♂️
5. We’ve seen Trump demand stage presence in the church of David Platt (a godly brother who I’ve met personally & truly believe is a faithful brother & pastor) and next thing we know he is on stage, in the middle of the service, & all Saints forced to pray for him.
6. We have seen men like MacArthur who despite his other profound failings has anchored his ministry on being a leader of the “moral majority” Evangelical camp for over 50 years go from condemning Trump to telling others they aren’t believers if they don’t vote for him. Folks...
7. We have seen men like my own seminary President, a figurehead of the conservative resurgence & cheif leader of the “moral majority” right go from repudiating Trump as great professional cost to arguing all faithful Christians must support him. Folks. This isn’t just “off”.
8. You will continue to rack your brains and ponder with all your intellectual might, “how can this be?!” Until you come to terms with this reality:

Donald Trump is an antichrist & his power to lure Christian leaders to his side at expense of their own credibility is demonic.
9. Scripture tells us that when false prophets & false Christs show up, they will have power to lead many astray & if possible even the elect. We need to stop being afraid of getting a little charismatic & be real about what this all is. We are dealing with *an* anti-Christ.
10. What great sign and wonder has Trump performed that could be so extravagant that it could cause such great deception?

For White Christian Nationalists, he has made America great again. He has reinvigorated the power of White Supremacy & made bigotry respectable again.

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