1. Justice Stephen Breyer was nominated by Pres. Bill Clinton on May 17, 1994 and has served since August 3, 1994.

2. "He (Breyer) insists that although decisions of foreign courts are not binding on U.S. courts, they could be “instructive,” and American judges should be free to cite and apply foreign law in cases which come before them."
3. Justice Breyer is married to Joanna Hare.
4. "Her family is also enormously wealthy, having started the Pearson group, which today is a media empire run by Joanna's older brother, Michael J Hare.. A Apr1994 financial disclosure statement, the Breyers list ownership of $2,324,958 in PEARSON stock."https://t.co/AA9PTslOY5
5. "The Breyers vacation at a rustic 320 acre retreat in New Hampshire, as well as having access to a house owned by Joanna Breyer's mother on the island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean."
6. Who is PEARSON? A UK-based textbook publisher.
7. Pearson won Common Core's most lucrative contract in the US.
8. Pearson and China's Joint Venture deals.
Is Pearson REALLY a UK-based company?
9. More Pearson and China deals
10. "Homeschoolers can’t escape the communist sympathies of Common Core. PEARSON Education, which is connected to Common Core, provides a video to homeschoolers called “China Rising” that promotes 
communism over capitalism."
K-12 homeschool program.
11. "The Pearson footprint appears to be everywhere and taints academic research as well as government policy."
12. Beyer has been on the bench since 94. Its mind boggling to think of the circle of influence here with this one. Did Pearson get contracts bc of the Justice?

SC Justice Breyer and his wife Sept. 2019.
@threadreaderapp please unroll

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