Meet the Press has booked a shameless conspiracy theorist, Senator Ron Johnson, for Sunday. Johnson says covid is fake and denied Biden won the election. He is MTP's most-booked Republican and has used the platform to spread lies more than any other senator. It is a true feat.

Johnson staged a conspiracy Senate panel of covid vaccine skeptics, anti-maskers, and fake drug promoters just weeks ago. He is avidly pro-covid in addition to spreading Hunter Biden conspiracies and saying Biden stole the election with "voter fraud"
Every mainstream news outlet, not just @MeetThePress, books conspiracy theorists because they believe Republicans deserve a platform to spread their misinformation. This is not journalism and @chucktodd does not care one wink about it
Ron Johnson is also an outspoken climate denier. He has spoken about this 40,000 times because it helps him politically. He is a conspiracy theorist.

Yet @chucktodd invites him on MTP despite saying two years ago he wouldn't book climate deniers
Ron Johnson lied about Hunter Biden having child pornography on his computer

Ron Johnson is a guest on Meet the Press on Sunday because @chucktodd does nothing to stop the spread of misinformation
One time on Meet the Press @chucktodd accused Johnson of spreading "Fox News conspiracy propaganda stuff" as Johnson spread a conspiracy theory about Ukraine

Johnson has been rewarded for spreading this conspiracy with another Meet the Press guest slot
This intentional and habitual liar, who has been repeatedly proven as a liar with the sole purpose of spreading misinformation to the public, will be on Meet the fucking Press on Sunday
Why would you invite this shameless liar on your news show if you're a journalist and believe in reporting the truth
There are 8 million examples of this. Ron Johnson is not some mystery. He is a liar who uses the legitimate platforms of the mainstream news media to spread Newsmax/OANN conspiracy theories. Booking these misinformation spreaders is the same as spreading the misinformation

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