Thread – Election Fraud Denial and Course of Action

1. There was massive election fraud during the election. You know it, I know it, and everyone with a functional brain knows it – even those in the Democrat-media complex who want to wish it away & usher in the Biden Dark Ages.

2. There was an excellent article at American Thinker yesterday that examined possible reasons why an intelligent observer would opt for the cover-up of election fraud if it did take place:
3. Here are the reasons listed:

3A. Reason 1: The election fraud–denier wanted President Trump to be removed from the Oval Office.

3B. Reason 2: The election fraud denier-wanted a Democrat to be elected as the president.
3C. Reason 3: The election fraud–denier was afraid of violence that investigation of election fraud may lead to.

3D. Reason 4: The election fraud–denier wants to be "pragmatic" — that is, to accept whatever happened and go along with whatever comes out of it.
3E. Reason 5: The election-fraud denier was concerned that any serious investigation of election fraud might erode public trust in our elections.
4. A current reigning theory on what may happen on 6 January based on the thin reed of the 12th Amendment is that VP Pence will be in the hot seat and required to make a choice on which way the presidential election goes.
5. Door #1 would be Pence throwing down the gauntlet, disqualify Biden’s electors in contested states, and substitute President Trump’s electors. That would take some serious courage because the Left/Democrats would come unglued.
6. Door #2 would be Pence rolling over and ignoring the election fraud in the interests of ostensibly avoiding the bloodshed that would ensue if he opened Door #1. I believe the assumptions associated with Door #2 (and Reason #3 above) to be false.
7. If Pence (on behalf of the political class) takes the path of avoiding an investigation into the election fraud to foster false safety and tranquility (Door #2), this will only ensure much worse violence once the fighting starts ….
7A. … because there are a lot of people who won’t take the “hologram” (the perfect analogy for Biden supplied by a friend) in the Oval Office lying down.
8. To take down the fraudsters can bring about a backlash of rioting from the Left. So what?
9. That rioting and associated violence will, in the rearview mirror, be a minor bump in the road compared to the terrible consequences of the civil militia standing up and setting the USA back on course as a legitimate Republic.
10. Get the correction done now and deal with the left's idiot street minions or do a full-up rebellion later in order to get things back on course. At this point, I am tired of the kicking the can down the road and do not care. I only want sooner than later.
11. From the Cold War until now, it seems all of my adult life has been the one big loop back to dealing with communists (globalists, aristocracy, whatever) one way or another.
12. That wheel has gone around, and I for one am pretty much done with the enemies of mankind and enemies of our goal of peace for everyone - socialists, commies, anarchists, global aristocracy, islamofascists, etc.
13. I don't expect to see the end of it, but WTF! Let's (finally - at least in the USA) get it done. If a depression or a virus can ripple around the world, maybe freedom can, too (finally). Perhaps my grandkids could live to see freedom AND peace.
14. All I know is that the road to peace is paved with dead enemies of freedom, and we do not get to the end of the road without paying the price and building the pyres.
15. Is the 7 years of tribulations predicted in the Book of Revelations coming? Because it sure looks biblical these days to me. Seven years of world war to gain a thousand years of peace? Seems like a deal to me.
16. I now return to my re-reading of the Left Behind series. I am on “The Remnant”…. ///The end.

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Trump is gonna let the Mueller investigation end all on it's own. It's obvious. All the hysteria of the past 2 weeks about his supposed impending firing of Mueller was a distraction. He was never going to fire Mueller and he's not going to

Mueller's officially end his investigation all on his own and he's gonna say he found no evidence of Trump campaign/Russian collusion during the 2016 election.

Democrats & DNC Media are going to LITERALLY have nothing coherent to say in response to that.

Mueller's team was 100% partisan.

That's why it's brilliant. NOBODY will be able to claim this team of partisan Democrats didn't go the EXTRA 20 MILES looking for ANY evidence they could find of Trump campaign/Russian collusion during the 2016 election

They looked high.

They looked low.

They looked underneath every rock, behind every tree, into every bush.

And they found...NOTHING.

Those saying Mueller will file obstruction charges against Trump: laughable.

What documents did Trump tell the Mueller team it couldn't have? What witnesses were withheld and never interviewed?


Mueller got full 100% cooperation as the record will show.

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