1. I'm going to go through a few issues with the NY Post article on Biden, which I won't link to, but you will probably see on Twitter today.

Follow along if interested.

2. First the information comes from a laptop that was allegedly "dropped off at a repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware" and never picked up.

The "shop owner," who is not identified, "couldn’t positively identify the customer as Hunter Biden"
3. The "shop owner" thinks it was Hunter Biden because of a Beau Biden sticker on the laptop.

This makes no sense. You drop off an expensive Mac laptop at a repair shop and don't leave your name or contact information?
4. But then, after claiming the shop owner couldn't identify the customer, the piece includes a receipt that was issued to "Hunter Biden" and includes an email and phone #

So why would the shop owner produce a receipt for Hunter Biden if he didn't know the ID of the customer?
5. The piece claims the shop owner then alerted the FBI to the existence of the laptop and it was later subpoenaed by a grand jury.

But the grand jury subpoena shown does not connect the laptop to Hunter Biden.
6. Then things get very weird. The shop owner says, before turning over the computer to the feds, they made a copy of the contents of the computer and gave them to Rudy Giuliani's lawyer

7. The New York Post allegedly learned about this copy of the laptop through Steven Bannon.

Both Giuliani and Bannon are regular sources of disinformation
8. But this is the important point. Pretending, for a moment, that everything in the story is true (very doubtful) it is totally inconsequential.

Supposedly one "email" recovered on the laptop "proves" that Hunter once introduced a Bursima exec to his father.
9. This is a scandal? There is no word on the length of the meeting or what was discussed.

The New York Post says its significant because Biden then called for the ouster of the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Bursima.


The prosecutor was not investigating Bursima
10. The prosecutor was corrupt, which is why the entire international community was calling for his ouster.

Replacing the corrupt prosecutor brought more scrutiny on Bursima, not less
11. Allegedly, the laptop Hunter "forgot" to pick up also contains a 12 minute video of him smoking crack and having sex with an unidentified woman.
12. Nevertheless, this incredibly sketchy, totally unverified, and ultimately irrelevant story is being promoted by mainstream journalists who don't work for the New York Post.

Don't be fooled by that.
13. I should clarify that, assuming the email is legit, it doesn't establish that a meeting took place. Just that Hunter offered an "opportunity" to meet his father.
14. As of 9:50AM, the New York Post piece has been shared more than 26,000 times on Facebook
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3 major corporations say they'll stop donating to members of Congress who tried to overturn the election

BlueCross BlueShield (@BCBSAssociation)

Marriott (@MarriottIntl)


Follow along for more on these 3 plus 141 other

@MarriottIntl @CommerceBank 2. In the last 3 cycles, the BlueCross BlueShield PAC has donated 959K to GOP candidates and 359K to Dem candidates.

Now, BCBS's CEO says it will "suspend contributions to those lawmakers who voted to undermine our democracy"


@MarriottIntl @CommerceBank 3. @CommerceBank's PAC favors Republicans over Democrats by a 6 to 1 margin. The bank now says it has "suspended all support for officials who have impeded the peaceful transfer of power"

@MarriottIntl released a similar statement to Popular Information.


4. @tesszeeks and I contacted 144 corporations that donated this cycle to Senators who objected to the Electoral College vote

We asked if their support would continue

We got a lot of other responses + a lot of corporations who, so far, are ignoring

5. More details coming in this thread. But if you value this kind of work, please subscribe to our newsletter, Popular Information.

It's free to sign up.

The newsletter, not this Twitter account, is what makes this work possible.

3 major corporations say they'll suspend donations to the Republican Attorneys General Association, which helped drive participation in last Wed's events




Follow along for more on these 3 plus 60 other

@lyft @DoorDash 2. University of Phoenix (@UOPX) is taking things a step further.

The for-profit university, which donated $50,400 to RAGA last year, is demanding its money back

"We have asked RAGA to return our contribution to us as soon as

3. @Lyft tells
https://t.co/Gl6evXRDcZ that it "not be renewing our membership in RAGA for 2021"

@Facebook says it was "surprised and appalled" by the RAGA's conduct

4. @DoorDash says that "Any individual or organization that encouraged or facilitated this horrific behavior must be held accountable."

All this is a wakeup call for the Republican Attorneys General Association, which has accepted NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITS INVOLVEMENT

5. More details coming in this thread. But if you value this kind of work, please subscribe to our newsletter, Popular Information.

It's free to sign up.

The newsletter, not this Twitter account, is what makes this work
1. @NYGovCuomo became a pandemic star by contrasting himself with Trump

Cuomo crafted an IMAGE of being determined, honest and grounded in science

But 11 months later this image is falling apart

Follow along for a FACTUAL assessment of Cuomo's

2. Cuomo WROTE A BOOK, published in October, celebrating his own leadership during the pandemic.

Cuomo writes that NY had "confronted and defeated" the virus, and had "achieved what all the experts told us was impossible."

Today, things look

3. Today, New York has 338 people hospitalized with COVID per million residents.

This is the HIGHEST NUMBER IN ANY STATE by a considerable margin.


4. Overall, 46K New Yorkers have died of COVID, which trails only California (47K), a state with 2x as many people.

On a per capita basis, New York has had more deaths than every state but New Jersey.

Cuomo made decisions that made things

5. A new report by NY AG Letitia James (D) found Cuomo's order requiring nursing homes to accept residents w/COVID "may have put residents at increased risk of harm"

Cuomo dismissed criticisms of his nursing home policies in his book as
1. Florida teachers are being told to remove all books from their classroom libraries OR FACE FELONY PROSECUTION

The new policy is based on the premise that teachers are using books to "groom" students or indoctrinate them with leftist ideologies.

2. Officials from the Manatee County School District confirmed the new policy to

The policy was communicated to principals in a meeting last Wednesday.

Teachers are in the process of being informed now.

3. Teachers in Manatee County lamented the news on social media. "My heart is broken for Florida students today as I am forced to pack up my classroom library," one Manatee teacher wrote on Facebook.

4. Another Manatee teacher called the directive "a travesty to education" that interfered with efforts to "connect with books and develop [a] love of lifelong learning."

5. The new policy in Manatee, which is likely to be duplicated across Florida, was issued in response to HB 1467, which was signed into law by DeSantis last March.

That law established that teachers could not be trusted to select books appropriate for their students.

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