Is it just a coincidence that so many of those who told millions of voters that they would be better off outside the EU and ignored all warnings about the negative consequences of doing so, also tend to oppose wearing ‘muzzles’ and argue that covid is a lot of fuss about nothing?

How many of them never gave a flying fuck about what would happen to the U.K. economy, chanted ‘no deal!’ and ‘let’s go WTO!’ Yet now they suddenly care about the impact of lockdowns on jobs and businesses.
How many of them disparaged expertise when it ran contrary to their Brexit fantasies, and even called such experts ‘traitors’. Yet now they hail ‘the science’ (that agrees with them) to justify their sociopathic libertarianism?
How many revelled in the sadopopulist cruelty of ‘triggering lefties’, and ignored the anxieties, grief and despair of EU citizens forced to apply to live in their own homes? Yet now they worry about the ‘impact of lockdown on mental health.’
How many criticised the NHS & called for its privatisation, (yet still clapped for it when it suited them), who never said a word about the dangerous NHS staff shortages - compounded by Brexit? Yet now they worry about the death toll from cancer and postponed treatments etc
Just to be clear: there are real issues and concerns about the impact of lockdowns and they way they’re being done. But these aren’t the people to be making them, because they didn’t care about us before and they don’t care about us now.
And to paraphrase Philip Larkin ‘ they fuck you up these libertarian alt-right, Brexity sociopathic types, they do mean to, and they will.’

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