Sorry @TheNewEuropean You are doing exactly what you accuse the BBC News etc of - you have allowed May Freedom to continue Lying with out challange

She knew there had been illegalities in the Referendum

when she wrote and signed her Article 50 Letter

@TheNewEuropean 2/ @TheNewEuropean Court Case High Court Wilson v May Feb 2019 Sir James Eadie QC for May - the Prime Minister was aware of illegalities but decided to ignore them and proceed -

He also made it clear that the Referendum was "unlawful"
@TheNewEuropean 3/ @TheNewEuropean please if you are to go over Brexit 5 years and you should then at least involve people who watched with intelligence the Lies and misinformation by the MPs
@TheNewEuropean 4/ @TheNewEuropean July 2018 just after May in the above Article 50 episode where she knew of illegalities - she rushed to beat the Electoral Commission Report to Parliament - she had been informed by the E-C.
she knew of illegalities and decided to ignore

What does that say
@TheNewEuropean 5/ @TheNewEuropean The Electoral Commission Report found Vote Leave had Broken the Law -- reported that there were Serious offences committed that they referred to the Met Police - passed to Crown Prosecution 12 months ago

@TheNewEuropean 6. @TheNewEuropean to be clear 2.5 years ago a Quasi Judicial Body of Parliament reported to the Body Parliament that there had been Serious Offences committed within the Referendum to procure a win --- Nothing

Where are the journalists --- lets add some more ,, 7/
@TheNewEuropean 7/ @TheNewEuropean 2.5 years ago allegation and Files of Evidence referred to Met Police 16 months passed to CPS

over a year these Files have sat on the desk of the DPP

Nothing -- Vote leave Group alleged Serious Offences - No charges pressed - no arrests - no investigation
@TheNewEuropean 8/@TheNewEuropean Met Police/CPS/DPP have also not Admonished Vote Leave Group of the Serious Offences - was the evidence contained in the files so clear that they could not Admonish without facing a public outcry from the Electoral Commission 9/
@TheNewEuropean 9/ @TheNewEuropean it appears to me that this failure of the Justice system Departments to carry out their duty as laid down in Law has created a Major Constitutional issue

The Vote Leave Group criminal act which commenced in 2016 Referendum was not brought to a close ...
@TheNewEuropean 10/ @TheNewEuropean the actions of a criminal gang were brought out into the Public Domain by reason investigation,
it can be seen by a lay person that acts of Deception and Fraud took place - amongst false evidence etc 11/
@TheNewEuropean 11/@TheNewEuropean the 2.5 years of inaction on what can only be described as a Major Crime against the Nation the Justice Systems can only be seen as being corrupted by the Vote Leave Govt -- compounded by the support from the Official Opposition 12/
@TheNewEuropean 12/@TheNewEuropean it can be seen that the Criminal action by Vote Leave Group was not brought to a close as would the the case with Arrests and Court cases and the end of their quest for Brexit - clearly the criminal actions and the V_L Group have continued with their crime 13/
@TheNewEuropean 13/@TheNewEuropean As the crime has been ongoing for 2.5 years and the facts known to all MPs is it the case that all MPs who have supported the actions of Vote Leave during that period and voted for Legislation based and that Crime have Aided and Abetted a Crime 14/
@TheNewEuropean 14/ @TheNewEuropean it can be seen that the Vote Leave crime is still ongoing - the DPP has to Admonish Vote Leave Group of those allegations of serious offences = bit difficult when the serious offences brought about the issue of which V_L were found guilty of at Electoral Law
@TheNewEuropean 15/@TheNewEuropean especially since the Courts have upheld those decision an three separate Appeals by Vote Leave -so there is £450,000 overspend which resulted from a Fraud Payment made by Vote Leave in the name of BeLeave - Beleave being a Company formed as a criminal Deception
@TheNewEuropean 16/@TheNewEuropean A Constitutional Issue where the corruption of the Justice systems has led to hundreds of MPs voting in favour of an ongoing crime....

MPs are the elected representatives of the People - Vote Leave Broke the Law - they had a duty to end May Govt and Brexit
@TheNewEuropean 17/@TheNewEuropean it is clear that many MPs ignored the Report - or did not read it - either way they failed to carry out their basic duty as an MP - that has led to many MPs, Aiding and Abetting a Criminal Gang - yes some helped the Vote Leave Criminals to become the Govt -
@TheNewEuropean 18/@TheNewEuropean this is the biggest story that any Newspaper could release -- are you upto it or are you also going to ignore the Biggest crime in History

Are you going to do the same as in 1930s Germany

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