Thread day after @MyMDC_T held its Ex congress @DrThoko_Khupe chaired an alleged National council, which arrived at the resolution of firing @DMwonzora recall him from parliament. The resolutions were supposed to be read by #Phugeni then party spokesperson but he refused ...

We share with you the resolutions which were withheld last minute at a Press conference addressed yesterday on advice from @ProfMadhuku - below are the full resolutions.
28 Dec 2020
Upholding and Respecting the Supreme Court Judgment (SC56/2020) which ordered the holding of an EO C in terms of the party constitution to elect a substantive replacement for the late Party President Dr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.
Acknowledging that the same Supreme Court judgement recognises the existence of the constitution of the MDC without any qualifications.
Affirming that the Supreme Court judgement doesn’t entail deviating from the clear provisions of our constitution.
Realising that some members of the Party have left the party and joined or formed other political parties, and that by that fact alone, the said members have renounced their membership of the party.
Acknowledging the resolutions of the N Cof 9 May 2020, which meeting resolved to
(i) acknowledge the 31st March 2020 Supreme Court judgment
(ii) . go for the ordered EO Congress in line with the party constitution 
(iii) recall those elected members, in parliament and local government, who have chosen to join or support or form other political parties.
Recognising all National Standing Committee meetings held to date and decisions taken thereof and the latest Supreme Court judgment which extended the deadline to hold the Extraordinary Congress from 31st July 2020 to 31st December 2020
Reiterates its adherence to its
Founding Values and Principles of Constitutionalism, Transparency, Democracy, Accountability, Fairness as well Nondiscrimination among others.
Condemns increasing illdiscipline exhibited by some members of the party and is calling upon all to moderate behaviour to be in conformity with the founding values and principles of the party.
Acknowledging that the EOC was an MDC T constitutional exercise and not a Court congress, so whatever decisions we make as a party bind all the membership, that the EOC held in Harare on 27th December 2020 was a nullity and stands condemned with contempt.
Notes with disdain the deviant behaviour of the Secretary General in the run up and during the Extraordinary Congress
Condemns with contempt, the conduct of the Mr. @DMwonzora of sabotaging the party, through creation of a fraudulent Voters Roll, Embezzlement of party funds as well as organising and coordinating violence targeting other candidates in the EOC.
Endorse and uphold the move made by the Acting President, Dr. Thokozani Khupe to immediately call off the Shame EOC and the Suspension of Secretary General Douglas Mwonzora.
Pursuant to the Supreme Court Judgement SC56/2020 this National Council resolves the following;
1. Unanimously agree to expel the Secretary General Mr. @DMwonzora, institute criminal charges as well as recall from the senate together with those leaders who worked in cahoots with him both in their various capacities, including some as Members of Parliament, and Councillors.
2. Pursue all legal avenues and any means necessary to recover the funds that were fraudulently withdrawn from @MyMDC_T coffers by @DMwonzora
3. That the party’s legal teams look into the issue of the 31st Dec deadline imposed by the S C variation in view of the 27 Dec charade.
4. Denounce the so called EOC resolutions circulating on Social Media and accordingly dismiss them as a nullity with no effect on whatsoever discussions and resolutions made by this council.
5. Pursuant to article 18 of the MDC T cons, the current Standing committee members have positions affirmed until next EOC at a date that shall be determined considering the readiness of the electoral register of 2014 structures, resources to support the electoral process.
6. Pursuant to the previous resolutions of this council, the members of the standing committee to continue to engage other national stakeholders towards finding a national solution that will make the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans better than what they are today.
7. Pursuant to our values and mission, the party organs to continue to build and consolidate influence in a positive and non-violent manner.

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Durham County Council has upheld my complaint that Councillor David Boyes breached its Code of Conduct for communications in respect of Travellers. This would appear to be the first time in England that a councillor has been so held to account for such communications. [1/16]

The grounds for the complaint are already set out by me: In summary: on 7 May 2020, Cllr Boyes posted on a Facebook site he shared with another councillor a video of scorch damage from barbeque trays and littering on and around a picnic table.

The table was in a picnic area in a nature reserve in the Easington constituency which Cllr Boyes represents. The video was accompanied by a comment from Cllr Boyes linking the ‘state’ of the tables with Travellers. That post attracted a number of comments which he liked.

Those liked comments included:

▪️ ‘scum should be f**k*ng shot oxygen thieves’ [edited]

▪️ ‘And they wonder why many people do not welcome them’.


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