ALERT In hours starting 12 PM ET Fri night / 9 AM Karachi time, Omar Sheikh + 3 men convicted in Danny Pearl's murder will try to walk out of jail. Ruth + @YudaPearl ask the govt of Pakistan to stop this miscarriage of #JusticeforDanielPearl. cc: @imrankhanpti @realdonaldtrump

1/How did we get here? Born in 1973, Omar Sheikh, a British-Pakistani dropout from the London School of Economics became radicalized at Salafi mosques in London in the early 1990s. He vowed to become a jihadi. He went to Pakistan to wage jihad. And kidnap.
2/ 1994, Omar Sheikh went to India for a militant group, and he used the fake name "Rohit Sharma" to kidnap four tourists, including an American, Bela Nuss, from Connaught Place in Delhi. He was caught by Delhi police and sent to Tihar Jail.
3/ Dec. 24, 1999, militants hijacked Indian Airlines Flight 814 from Kathmandu, Nepal, and they demanded the release of 4 men from jail in India. One was militant leader Masood Azhar. Another: Omar Sheikh. On Dec. 31, 1999, they were freed. Omar was 26.
4/ After Sept. 11, 2001, Daniel Pearl went to Pakistan with his wife, Mariane, to report on the 9/11 attacks. On Jan. 6, 2002, Danny started chasing a story about a Sheikh Gilani. Omar Sheikh pretended to be the cleric's student. Their paths now crossed.
5/ Early Jan 2002, Omar Sheikh started plotting a new kidnapping--with Danny Pearl as his target. On Jan. 23, 2002, Danny was kidnapped in Karachi and murdered. Sheikh's 3 codefendants also had key roles. They were tried and found GUILTY. Omar was 29.
6/ For 18 yrs, Danny Pearl's family had peace of mind that Omar Sheikh was in jail. THEN on April 2, 2020, amid COVID-19 pandemic, Sindh High Court activist judge KK Agha issued a shocking ruling to free Omar Sheikh and his 3 coconspirators.
7/ By May 1, 2020, the Sindh government and Danny Pearl's parents filed appeals with the Supreme Court and in September 2020, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeals. Before the winter holiday, Pearl family attorney Faisal Siddiqi made his arguments.
8/ The Supreme Court continued the detention of Omar Sheikh and the 3 codefendants. But in a shocking move, usurping the authority of the Supreme Court, on Dec. 24, 2020, Sindh High Court judge KK Agha stubbornly issued a new ruling freeing Omar Sheikh + 3
9/ Dec. 25, 2020, Omar Sheikh will try to leave jail. He just turned 47 on Dec. 23. That's 9 more years than he allowed Danny Pearl to live on this earth. Danny was 38 when he was murdered. The Supreme Court reconvenes on Jan. 5, 2021. Omar Sheikh must remain in jail.
10/ from @SaeedShah @WSJ: “Pakistani authorities were seeking new legal means to continue to detain the man convicted in 2002 as the mastermind of the kidnapping and killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, officials said.”

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