Isaiah 58:9 MSG
Then when you pray, God will answer. You'll call out for help & I'll say, 'Here I am.'

When God Shows Up-Day 4

Luke 5:2-9 MSG
Peter and his pals were having a very baaaaad day at work😥
They worked their fingers to d bones, yet, no harvest👎🏼

*It was EFFORTS 100% WORK DONE Zero*
Well, let's go home...we try again tomorrow, & as they were washing their nets, Jesus Himself showed up.
He said to Peter, "cast your nets on to the other side." (I can imagine the looks on his face & those of his fishing pals.)😱
Someone asked, who is this guy trying to teach us what we already know? 😡

Another answered, "He is the carpenter's son"

What, Really? Was the response.😡

Peter answered, one more try wouldn't kill anyone...They they gave it one more shot
They had no clue what was coming.
They dint see it coming.

*Luke 5:9 MSG*
When they pulled in that catch of fish, *awe, overwhelmed* Simon and everyone with him.🙆🏽‍♂️
Whenever God Himself shows up, the outcome is usually *UNBELIEVABLE*

*Job 29:24 MSG*
When I smiled at them, they could hardly believe it;
their faces lit up, their troubles took wing!


*Isaiah 65:23 KJV*
They shall not labour in vain...

*You will no longer labour in vain.*

*Isaiah 65:23a MSG*
They won't work and have nothing come of it...

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