#MakeAbleistsUncomfortable if you think giving money to charities is more "legitimate" and "safe" than giving money directly to any of the many disabled people on here begging for our lives, for freedom from abuse, for needed mobility aids, etc, that's a problem.

And it is linked to the idea of fraudsters scamming the welfare system; that idea has created a deep association between disabled people desperately asking for help, and greedy fraudsters. It has deepened the already-extent idea of the "deserving" and the "undeserving", as well
as the idea that charities, organisations, the government, etc - in short, mostly non-disabled people - are qualified to decide who really deserves money and support, that they should be authorities over us and have the power to determine what we have access to and what we don't.
It's ok to support charities and organisations, so long as you've actually done your research (listening to what disabled people say about them) to ensure they're good. I'm not saying you have to give to people asking for money. I'm just saying that if you have some deeply held
conviction against giving money directly to people in need, just in case they're scamming you (which charities might also be doing, for the record), that's likely based in some ideas that have already been harmful to so many disabled people in so many ways.
Especially since giving money directly to folks in need is generally the best way to help them, as many of us can't access money from charities etc and so can only get the things we need if we're given money directly. It also gives us the most autonomy, to decide for ourselves
what we need most right now, rather than having to conform to often arbitrary and unhelpful rules about what we can spend money on if its allocated to us via a charity fund or the like.
There's just something so deeply suspicious about the way so many non-disabled people think giving to a charity/org run mostly by non-disabled people who will decide what we can do with the money is better and more legitimate than just giving us the money directly and
not making us jump through all the hoops of trying to get funding from charities and having to spend the money on what they deem important.

(Also the entire concept of charity is questionable; look into it.)
If you wanna support us...why not just support us? Directly, not via (probably non-disabled) intermediaries and authority figures who will decide if we deserve it?
The #MakeAbleistsUncomfortable hashtag is by
@MizTeeFranklin. As thanks for it, you can support her fundraiser here (CW: domestic violence, attempted kidnapping):

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