*Thread* - (e)motion

Manipulate Energy, leverage emotions, & defeat low energy

Emotion = energy in motion

You don't own feelings, they are not who you are

Just like you don't own radio stations you tune into

Feelings are signals of the amount of energy around you & flowing through you
If you are feeling low energy it means high energy is unfamiliar to you

Depression = Repression

It's a lack of expression - cells, brain, body

Energy is not flowing

If you were to:
- Exercise intensely
- Do something creatively stimulating (socializing, writing, producing)
Dopamine would light up
ATP would begin producing

Heart rate would go up
Blood flow would increase

Nervous system would be active
Oxygen would be flowing to the brain & through the body
"Ask and you shall receive"

Until demand is seen you will not be supplied what you need

We are wired to conserve energy

If you inhale too much
You'll FEEL a need to exhale
If you FEEL low energy it doesn't mean 'chill'

Energy has no opinions or meaning

We assign opinions & meaning to our emotions

If we choose to interpret low energy as "chill out"

We essentially are inactive spectators taking orders from the flow of energy (reactive)
To be an active participant in reality

(aka a human being with free will & consciousness)

You can change the flow of energy by changing your actions

Every action has a reaction

Inaction also has a reaction

You always get more of the same, an object in motion stays in motion
If your default is low energy, it means the adaptations are aligned to deliver lower energy on a daily basis

If you can run 10 miles
You're adapted to supply energy to complete 10 miles

If you exert 5000 units of energy daily

Your body adapts to supply 5000 energy units daily
If your body is adapted to supply 500 units of energy

and you demand 900 it'll be a bit uncomfortable

if you demand 5000 it'll be very uncomfortable

We are wired to conserve energy

You soon adapt & will produce 5000 energy units per day with little to no willpower/force
Obviously some common sense goes into this

If you exerted a lot of energy

Being tired indicates that energy is spent

But if you're tired & have low energy
Despite doing nothing

The feeling then does not mean "rest" we misinterpret it as rest and end up repressing
There are 2 factors here

Supply/Demand - how much energy are you demanding (action/effort)

will determine how much gets supplied

Efficiency - things you consume, sleep, environment which can unnecessarily inhibit the flow of energy

and how efficient energy conversion is
Although both I feel are equally important

Supply/Demand is more important than efficiency

Which is why we see plenty of examples of unhealthy people, stressed people, 'low vibe' people

Who are productive, get things done, & have energy

They 'ask' for or demand it via action
When a runner is on mile 3 and feels tired.

Pushing that extra half mile is where the adaptation happens

Showing slightly higher demand, consistently, will adapt

Soon it will be at 3.5 miles where that same tired feeling kicks in

Pushing part is now from 3.5-4
Emotions are not you, they're not yours

Like a antenna receiving signal

They just display to you the energy around & energy flowing through you

They're not orders
They're also not useless

The balance is to listen, then respond

Not automatically react
Not totally ignore
*doesn't feel like doing something*

"welp that's inconvenient"

*does it anyway*

Especially before momentum, or after losing some momentum

It actually makes perfect sense not to feel like it

Unless you're on drugs, you'll probably NOT feel like it

This is normal
Trust the process

Trust you will adapt

Trust that by asking your body/mind will supply your demand

Emotions are not you, they're a experience happening around & through you

It's energy
You are the soul experiencing the energy

Thank you for reading
- Yous

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2. The heritability of IQ *increases* from childhood to adulthood. Meanwhile, the effect of the shared environment largely fades away. In other words, when it comes to IQ, nature becomes more important as we get older, nurture less.

3. IQ scores have been increasing for the last century or so, a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect. https://t.co/sCZvCst3hw (N ≈ 4 million)

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