Stagnation in this life is death.

8 Reasons Why You're Struggling To Improve & How To Fix Them

(#3 is a game changer)

// A THREAD //

1. You're not scaling

You've never been a gym person.
So why is your first step going to the gym 5 days a week?

Start small:
→ Walk 2x / week
→ 10 push-ups everyday

Then Jog 3x / week
Lift 3x / week
Lift 5x / week

It's not a one-round fight; scale to your endgame.
2. You're relying on motivation

Your brain is efficient; motivation isn't.

Conserve energy & stack your desired behavior.

→ Hit the gym after class
→ Read 10 pages after you brush your teeth

Don't be like me: walking across campus on cold mornings to lift.
3. You don't have a quality system

Your direction =/= Your endgame
Your actions. Routine. Lifestyle. Are all lacking.

Your average day should point you in the right direction.
Not your best day.

Create a plan of action. Implement. Adjust. Improve.
3a. You don't have a quality system

To create the right ingredients:

- Actions
- Mindset
- Routine

Work inverse.

"What's my goal?"
→ What behaviors could get in my way?
→ How could my mindset affect my effort?

4. Your environment is holding you back

You have goodies in plain sight. All over your house.
You have no hope of eating cleaner.

Or your Xbox is staring you in the face as you work.

Major L; hide your distractions.

Test your discipline less; you'll win more.
5. Your circle is a cage

You set a goal.
But the people around you will make you fail it.
Not reach it.

It's like skydiving with no parachute.
Or climbing with no rope.

Find people to hold you accountable.
6. You're not handling failure well

You go 2 weeks without binge-playing video games.
Then one day you cave.

That doesn't make you a failure. You're not back down to zero.

Getting better is a process; don't treat it as all or nothing.
7. You're bogged down in outcomes

"I don't see the results. I didn't hit my PR. "

But how do you feel?

"I feel better. I have more energy."

Do more than an eye test; appreciate small gains.
8. You haven't found a substitute

Your bad habit is a result of a craving.
Crushing that craving is hard.
Like going cold turkey.

Look to re-direct that energy instead.
Find a healthy substitute.

Replace your destructive behaviors.
Grow. Learn. Adapt. Thrive.

That cycle is yours to achieve.

RT the thread to help others achieve the same.

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