Dear @aliciakeys, howdy?

I saw the Open Letter you & some fellows wrote, addressing President Buhari.

The letter was not only rude in tone & condensending, it lacked evidence, verbose & irrational.

How you didn't know the joke was on you guys is what I would need to think on.

You people DELIBERATELY refused to make reference to the very many videos online showing CLEARLY that NOBODY died at Lekki Toll Plaza on October 20, 2020! What a laugh!

You folks kept saying stuff flying in the air WITHOUT EVIDENCE! Who does that? Who?
Wait, you think you were addressing kids in a nursery school in that laughable letter? 🤣
You even have the audacity to copy other African leaders who have seen through your foolery a long time ago.

No respect whatsoever sha!
I expected that in that finely put together trash of a letter, you would list out the names of the "protesters" that were killed in Lagos or elsewhere in Nigeria, like you did during your Black lives matter protests in the US.

Instead, 53 of you were just frothing in the mouth.
You folks talked about the International treaties on human rights blankly without citing the exact provisions of law in your spurious claims. Una fo cite na since una too know.

Wait, you did not get a lawyer to write that piece for you? Or you did? Who was the lawyer please?
The events of the End SARS nonsense that took place in Nigeria are still with us here and Nigerians are very much alive to the realities of it, which is that it was a FAILED COUP attempt on Nigeria, where many simpleton were fooled.

We have enough IPOB terrorists race on this.
You guys write with this touch of finality as if you are the government that is overseeing the government of President Buhari.

How dare you? Who the hell are you guys? Ehn?
You kept mentioning "Nigerians" as if we have you the mandate to talk on our behalf.

Who sent you? IPOB, the terrorists? You think you can talk about Nigeria for Nigerians better than Nigerians?

You ought to have stick to the word, "some". Get sense!
Lol. And to think you can bamboozle the Federal Republic of Nigeria by writing that trash irks my mind. Lol. Chai! Chinch!

*Shaking my head
Ok so listen up again,

1. NOBODY died at Lekki Toll Plaza on October 20, 2020.
2. There are no dead bodies or family or friends of any dead persons as you alluded.
3. You must apologize for that ill advices & saucy letter you wrote to President Buhari ASAP
4. Recant that letter
5. You can't intimidate the Judicial Panels sitting across the country.

6. You cannot deceive the international community with WELL COOKED LIES because you are celebrities so-called.

7. Have your lawyers do a thorough job with the apology letter to President Buhari
8. The CBN is doing its job..

9. All accounts frozen were done through the courts.

10. Apply to court seeking redress for the court ordered frozen accounts.

11. All criminal protester arrested will have their day in court.

12. Get your lawyers to do their jobs.

13. End.

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Congrats Chris on winning $250!


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A team project! @bpmct and @BaileyPumfleet built a tool for social media influencers to create simple "swipe up" landing pages for followers.

Really impressive for 24 hours. Congrats!


SayHenlo - Chat without distractions

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CoderStory - Learn to code from developers across the globe!

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I wish this existed when I learned to code! Congrats on $250!!