Cancer never wins. An alternative thinking about cancer is based on the premise that all dis-ease is caused by a foreign body usually toxins like TOXIC heavy metals that accumulate in our body through time that then causes inflammation..

@crazydebbie516 The inflammation causes our lymphatic system to respond to eliminate it so it produces mucus and we undergo detox.. but as we’re unaware of these heavy metals and other toxins..
@crazydebbie516 We continue to ingest these very same toxins.. hence it becomes chronic and overworks our organs including our lymphatic system..
@crazydebbie516 With the overworked organs our chemistry is changed, hormonal dysfunction ensues as the organs are overworked, they are stressed out hence we produce more stress hormones..
@crazydebbie516 To the point of chronic alteration even our natural cell growth response gets altered.. hence cancer is one response. I hope you’re seeing the connections..
@crazydebbie516 Then we get symptomatic so we go to the hospital and guess what, more poisons prescribed.. you’ll know cause of the many side effects..
@crazydebbie516 When all this is telling us is to listen to our body! When you get De-Tox symptoms, the body is telling you that a toxin is present and your immune system is doing it’s best to eliminate it so try to aid it eliminate it..
@crazydebbie516 But since we can’t make the connection we continue to ingest the same toxins over and over..
@crazydebbie516 The answer: Fasting! By fasting you help your gut heal! Fast with your thoughts! People overthink a lot they forget the cause and effect and they become automaton robots
@crazydebbie516 Our thoughts are energy.. our emotions are energy as well! Emotion aka energy in motion.. if we continue to dwell in fear, guilt, shame, resentment, our mind signals it’s in stress response.. so the very same organs continue to overwork..
@crazydebbie516 So what’s the solution? To identify what those toxins are usually identified when we fast, and then we eliminate those toxins and stop to continue taking those toxins..the inflammation won’t stop if we continue taking the poisons
@crazydebbie516 The detoxification aids were already given to us since the beginning.. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, HERBS.. you can juice them through a juicer or blend.. several people share combination potions on Social media like Instagram, etc
@crazydebbie516 And yet, be aware also that fruits and vegetables are also laden with poisons by design so wash them, also be aware our water is heavily fluoridated.. so be aware and you will heal
@crazydebbie516 Also, never buy prepared juices in groceries even if the packaging is nice and looks healthy! Read the labels. Most contain sodium citrate or sodium benzoate, etc and these are toxic preservatives as well..
@crazydebbie516 There you go, I hope you listened to my unsolicited advice.. instead of a following, I offered you healing. Love and Light!❤️👽🛸

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