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So here’s the deal. In the aftermath of Wednesday’s coup, many have been looking to history to find examples of what we can expect now. This is in many ways good (at last), but I just worry we might draw the wrong conclusions. A thread. 1/

The obvious example that people have grasped for is, of course, Germany. These come in two major flavours. Some wanted to ask if the blueprint of dealing with these past four years could be Germany’s post-war denazification… 2/

…while others saw a direct equivalent to the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923: a stepping stone on the path of Hitler’s rise to power. A decade after this farcical, localised revolt in Munich, Hitler rose to national power. The rest, as they say, is history. 3a/

(Just today, Arnold @Schwarzenegger has compared Wednesday to Kristallnacht. His video message is actually well worth watching here, also because of his personal message that comes with it. 3b/

I’ve said time and again that I’m uncomfortable with the direct comparisons often drawn between Trump and Hitler and Trump’s US and Hitler’s Germany (and sorry to my longtime followers who’ve heard this over and over again). And look, I understand why some want to do this. 4/